Home Tag Treatment of stomach ulcers

Articles in Treatment of stomach ulcers

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Uses of Prazex 30
Prazex 30 belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs and is made in the form of tablets. The drug Prazex 30 with the main ingredient Lansoprazole is indicated in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach, duodenum, esophagus... However, during treatment with Prazex 30 may cause some side effects. Therefore, before using Prazex 30, it is necessary to carefully study the information and follow the doctor's instructions.
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Uses of Seoprae
Seoprae drug is indicated in the treatment of gastric ulcers, gastric mucosal damage in acute gastritis and acute exacerbation of chronic gastritis... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using Seoprae drug through the article below.
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Chest tightness, dizziness when taking medicine to treat gastritis, should I continue to use it?
Hi doctor. I take medicine for gastritis HP and feel pain, heat, chest tightness and dizziness, should I continue using the medicine?
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What are the symptoms of gastric ulcer recurrence?
I have a peptic ulcer with HP bacteria. I have had an endoscopy and have been taking medication since 2017, until now I have had recurrent abdominal pain. I've had the same symptoms as before and haven't gone back to the doctor. The doctor asked me: what are the symptoms of recurrent stomach ulcers?
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Will stomach ulcers come back after treatment?
The child has a history of gastric ulcer, Hp infection, 2 times endoscopy and has been cured. In the past few days, due to eating disorders, cough, vomiting and a few days after the stomach is not good. Can I ask if stomach ulcers will come back after treatment?
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Effective treatment for stomach ulcers?
I have gastritis, always feel full but no pain. Even though I took a lot of medicine, I am still bloated. Can you tell me the cause and effective treatment for stomach ulcers?
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Note in the diet for people with stomach ulcers, to avoid recurrence
In every person's life, you can feel the pain caused by duodenal ulcer in up to 10%. Between 1 and 3% of people in developed countries have peptic ulcers.
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Gastric ulcer with HP infection what to do?
At the beginning of August, I went to the doctor and had an endoscopy with a stomach ulcer with HP infection. The hospital gave me the medicine for 15 days, but I only took it for 10 or 11 days, then it was lost (because of the epidemic and blockade while I was collecting things at my mother's house, I lost it). Please tell me if I have a stomach ulcer with HP infection, what should I do?
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How to heal the stomach lining for people with stomach pain
Stomach pain is a condition in which the stomach lining is damaged, mainly caused by stomach ulcers. People with stomach pain often feel a dull pain but extremely uncomfortable, especially after eating too full or too hungry. So what are the effective ways to heal the stomach lining to relieve these symptoms?
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How to treat stomach ulcers at home
Peptic ulcer disease is an increasingly common disease, especially in modern society when people often do not eat enough meals, do not spend enough time for each meal or due to stress. The disease can affect any age and gender.
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