Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign in Vietnam

GE Healthcare, in collaboration with TD Medical and Vinmec Healthcare System, organized free breast cancer screenings in Vietnam to raise awareness and emphasize the importance of early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.

The program has played a role in erasing misconceptions about breast cancer to improve screening rates and consequently increase cure rates for Vietnamese women.

According to the World Health Organization, in 2020, approximately 2.3 million women worldwide were diagnosed with breast cancer, with 685,000 cases resulting in death. Breast cancer is a major health concern for women in Asian countries.

In Vietnam, specifically, breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers and a leading cause of death. According to the Global Cancer Organization, in 2020, Vietnam reported 21,000 new cases and 9,000 deaths due to breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign in Vietnam

Despite a significant increase in new cases, Vietnam remains one of the countries with the lowest breast cancer screening rates in the Southeast Asia region due to the absence of comprehensive nationwide screening programs. Consequently, many individuals only discover the disease in its late stages, resulting in low survival chances.

Vietnamese women generally lack sufficient knowledge about breast cancer, diagnostic methods, and treatment options. Moreover, they perceive screening as costly and complicated. These beliefs lead to hesitation to undergo screening, with many only seeking medical attention when the disease has develop to a severe and challenging stage.

Health experts emphasize that breast cancer can be cured if detected early and treated promptly. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage women, especially those at high risk due to family medical history, to actively participate in screening programs.

Promoting widespread breast cancer screening in Vietnam

Traditionally, open discussions about breast cancer were rare due to cultural and societal sensitivities. However, public interest in the disease has increased, thanks to better-educated younger generations and global awareness campaigns like Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

With the goal of combating breast cancer through early detection, GE Healthcare and TD Medical, in collaboration with Vinmec Healthcare System, have implemented a community outreach program to provide free breast cancer screening services for Vietnamese women. Aligned with the global Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the program aims to deliver information on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Specifically, GE Healthcare, TD Medical, and Vinmec organized free breast cancer screenings across various provinces and cities nationwide. Additionally, educational workshops on the importance of early detection and regular check-ups took place at on-site screening centers managed by Vinhomes and the Vinschool Education System.

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign in Vietnam

To date, approximately 1,000 women in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, and Da Nang have undergone free breast cancer screenings through this campaign. The program is expected to continue its rollout in other cities and provinces to raise awareness about breast cancer among Vietnamese women. The campaign also served as evidence of GE and Vinmec's efforts to enhance people's access to breast cancer screening services, thereby contributing to women's healthcare in Vietnam.

According to the Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan), Vietnam currently having a leading number in breast cancer incidence, with 15,229 new cases and 6,103 deaths. However, the number of women actively participating in breast cancer screenings remains low. Many women harbor subjective perceptions and reservations about undergoing breast cancer screening. As per the results from the GE and Vinmec campaign, nearly 50% of participants detected abnormal signs. This highlights the need for women to take a more proactive role in regular screenings to facilitate early detection and timely treatment. Understanding this challenge, GE is committed to standing alongside Vietnamese women, continuing the campaign in the coming years.

Dr. La Thi Tiem, Specialist in Oncology and Radiation Therapy at Vinmec, stated: "If detected early, breast cancer is one of the cancers with the highest cure rates. Screening also significantly reduces treatment costs. There are now many increasingly popular and reliable diagnostic methods, such as high-resolution ultrasound, X-rays, and mammography."

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