Vinmec offering healthcare and beauty care services for women aged 30 and above

In line with the vibrant atmosphere of March, which is dedicated to women, Vinmec International General Hospital organized a Consultation Seminar on Women's Health to demonstrate their special care and support for “a half of the world.”

The seminar centered around topics related to healthcare for women over 30, with a focus on gynecological conditions and skincare - the major concerns of significant importance for women. The knowledge provided by Vinmec's top experts is highly practical, as the age of 30 is considered a turning point in a woman's life. Beyond this age, a woman's body undergoes changes that, unless regularly checked and cared for, can affect her health and appearance.

The seminar had the direct participation of Vinmec Hospital's Obstetrics and Gynecology specialists, who presented on gynecological conditions in women over 30, particularly gynecological cancers. The experts provided warnings and recommendations on modern cancer screening methods, allowing for early detection and timely treatment. Regarding women's health and beauty, the experts also discussed the impacts of internal bodily changes on a woman's appearance, particularly on the skin.

Vinmec offering healthcare and beauty care services for women aged 30 and above

During the seminar, Vinmec's aesthetic specialists shared insights on skincare for individuals over 30. They also introduced the therapeutic skincare services provided by Vinmec's Aesthetic Department, providing guidance to women on enhancing their own beauty and becoming more confident in life.

The seminar attracted a large number of women from different age groups. In particular, the event served as an opportunity for attendees to directly share and receive advice on personal issues they are facing. All queries and questions were immediately addressed, providing the guests with peace of mind and satisfaction.

Alongside this occasion, Vinmec International General Hospital carried out a week-long event of free examinations and consultations for women from March 8th to March 22nd. Female customers were offered free gynecological examinations, pelvic ultrasounds, abdominal ultrasounds, and consultations. Vinmec International General Hospital also provided free pre-menopausal examinations and consultations for female customers aged 40-55.

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