Blood pressure when sitting is higher than blood pressure when lying down?

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Hello doctor!
I measure blood pressure with an electronic device, measuring at home is different when sitting and lying down. Sit tall. Lying down is normal. When standing is usually in the 140/90 range. When lying normally in the range of 122/79. I'm so worried. So the doctor told me, is the blood pressure when sitting is higher than the blood pressure when lying down?
Looking forward to the doctor's advice, thank you!
Anonymous question
The doctor would like to answer the question: "Is the blood pressure higher when sitting than when lying down? ” as follows:
To have an accurate blood pressure measurement we need a standard measurement technique. According to the American Autonomic Society and the American Academy of Neurology, orthostatic hypotension is a condition in which systolic blood pressure decreases by at least 20 mmHg and/or blood pressure. Diastolic pressure decreased by at least 10 mmHg while standing for 3 minutes. However, in your case, the blood pressure when sitting is higher than when lying down, but the difference is not much. For a more accurate conclusion and advice, we recommend that you go to a medical facility or cardiology clinic for an accurate assessment.
If you still have questions, you can go to the nearest medical facility or the Hospital of Vinmec Health System for more detailed examination and advice by doctors. Thank you for sending your question to Vinmec, wish you all the best!
Best regards!

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Answered by Doctor Le Duc Hiep - Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Interventionist - Cardiology Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital
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