What is Ospamox 500mg?

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Ospamox 500 mg drug contains the main ingredient Amoxcilin, this is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of the penicillin group, the drug has a short duration of action and a wide spectrum of action. Please refer to the instructions on how to use the drug correctly in the article below.

1. What is Ospamox 500mg?

Ospamox 500mg is a product of Imexpharm Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company with the main active ingredient being Amoxcilin 500mg, an antibiotic of the penicillin group, used in the treatment or prevention of infections.

2. Indications of Ospamox 500mg

Ospamox 500mg is indicated in the treatment of bacterial infections:
Upper respiratory tract infections, ear, nose and throat infections; lower respiratory tract infections such as: acute and chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, lung abscess. Genitourinary tract infections: Acute and chronic pyelonephritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, cystitis, urethritis, asymptomatic urinary tract infection in pregnancy period, contraband. Infection due to abortion, endometritis , adnexitis. Gastrointestinal infections: Typhoid, paratyphoid, biliary tract infection, Shigella infection. Skin and soft tissue infections. Leptospira infection. Acute and latent Listeria infection.

3. Contraindications of Ospamox 500mg

Ospamox 500mg drug is contraindicated in people who are sensitive to antibiotics of the penicillin group. Patients with hypersensitivity to cephalosporin antibiotics are likely to have cross-allergies. Oral amoxicillin should not be used to treat severe gastrointestinal infections with persistent diarrhea or vomiting because of the risk of reduced absorption. Use caution when using the drug in patients with allergies, bronchial asthma.

4. How to use Ospamox 500mg

How to use: The drug is taken orally, the patient can take it before or after a meal, because the absorption of the drug is not affected by food.
Dosage for adults and children over 10 years old: Usual dose: 1 tablet/time x 3 times/day.
Higher dosage: Take a single dose or in short courses, used in the following cases:
Treatment of abscesses - periodontal abscess: 3g dose, repeated after 8 hours Treatment of acute urinary tract infections that do not resolve control: 3g dose, repeated after 10-12 hours Prophylaxis of endocarditis in people at risk: A single dose of 3g, 1 hour before procedures such as tooth extraction. Severe or recurrent respiratory tract infections: Dose 3g x 2 times/day.

5. Side effects of Ospamox 500mg

Some common side effects when using Ospamox drugs such as digestive disorders include nausea, diarrhea. Rarely, hypersensitivity reactions such as rash, fever, arthralgia, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis, angioedema, and hematologic disorders such as thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, have been reported. eosinophilia.
Similar to other antibiotics in the penicillin group, amoxicillin has a risk of causing anaphylaxis. The risk of neurotoxicity (convulsions) is increased in patients with epilepsy, meningitis, or impaired renal function.
In addition, taking the drug can increase the liver enzymes SGOT, SGPT mildly, transiently.

6. Be careful when using Ospamox 500mg

If an allergic reaction occurs when taking Ospamox 500mg, the patient should stop taking the drug and start treatment with epinephrine, antihistamines and corticosteroids. Patients with cholecystitis or cholecystitis receive amoxicillin antibiotics only when the disease is not severe and is not accompanied by biliary obstruction. Long-term use with high doses, patients should monitor liver function. Patients with a history of kidney disease or a skin rash should undergo a urinalysis and evaluate renal function. Monitor blood counts for hemolytic anemia and hematopoietic antibody-associated reactions. During prolonged treatment, attention should be paid to the possibility of overgrowth of resistant strains of bacteria and fungi. When severe and persistent diarrhea occurs, it is necessary to monitor for symptoms of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis (watery stools, mucusy nose, blood streaks; intermittent abdominal pain or diffuse dull pain; fever or sometimes there is a feeling of straining). Pregnancy: The safety of taking the drug during pregnancy has not been established, so use it only when clearly needed. Lactation: Amoxicillin is excreted in human milk, so caution should be exercised when taking the drug during lactation. Ospamox 500mg drug contains the main ingredient Amoxcilin, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of the penicillin group, with a short duration of potency and a broad spectrum of action. To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor or pharmacist.
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