Uses of Sofenac

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Sofenac is a pain reliever, antipyretic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Sofenac is indicated in cases of chronic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.... Let's learn about the dosage and notes when using Sofenac through the article below.

1. What is Sofenac?

Sofenac belongs to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to treat gout and bone and joint diseases. The drug is manufactured by Phil Inter Pharma Co., Ltd., which circulates in Vietnam and is registered with VD-25507-16.
Sofenac medicine has the main ingredient Aceclofenac 100mg and excipients, made in the form of soft capsules.

2. Uses of Sofenac

Aceclofenac is an NSAID anti-inflammatory drug, indicated for pain relief and anti-inflammatory treatment in the following cases:
Toothache Injuries Back pain Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis Some other effects of Sofenac is not listed on the drug label. The doctor may prescribe the patient to take medication to treat some other medical conditions.

3. Dosage of Sofenac

3.1. Dosage and Administration: Sofenac is recommended to be taken after meals to help reduce the risk of stomach and intestinal effects.
Dosage of Sofenac for adults is 200mg / time / day. The above dose of Sofenac is for reference only. The specific dose of Sofenac will depend on your condition and progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Sofenac, patients need to consult with their doctor or pharmacist.
3.2. Treatment of overdose, missed dose Overdose
Beside the questions “What does Sofenac do?” The treatment of overdose is also concerned and questioned. Accordingly, in case the patient overdoses on the drug, it is necessary to immediately contact the emergency center or go to the nearest medical facility for timely support and treatment methods.
Missed dose
In case of missed dose, the patient should take the medicine as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose to be missed, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Never take a double dose.

4. Contraindications when using Sofenac

Some subjects need to be cautious and contraindicated when using Sofenac antibiotics as follows:
Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug Patients with peptic ulcers or suspected gastrointestinal ulcers Patients with asthma asthma, acute rhinitis or urticaria when taking aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Patients with severe impairment of liver, kidney or heart function People with bleeding or clotting disorders Pregnant women, especially in 3 last month of pregnancy

5. Side effects when using Sofenac

Some possible side effects when taking Sofenac are as follows:
Digestive disorders Rash Urticaria Symptoms of bed-wetting Headache Dizziness Drowsiness

6. Notes when using Sofenac

For people in special cases (pregnant, breastfeeding,...) need to pay attention when using Sofenac:
Pregnant women: Do not use the drug during pregnancy because the drug can causing adverse effects such as miscarriage, teratogenicity, malformation, ... affecting the development of pregnancy. In the event that medication is required, the patient should consult a doctor carefully.
Women who are breastfeeding: It is best not to or limit use because the drug can be passed to the baby through breastfeeding.

7. Drug interactions

Sofenac may change the effects of other medicines or increase the effects of side effects. Therefore, to avoid drug interactions, patients should tell their doctor what medications they are taking. In addition, patients should not self-medicate, stop or change the dose of the drug without the permission of the doctor.
Patients should be monitored when Sofenac is used with some of the following drugs:
Lithium and Digoxin : As with other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Aceclofenac may increase plasma concentrations of Lithium and Digoxin. Anticoagulants: Drugs may increase the effect of anticoagulants Diuretics: Aceclofenac may interact with the activity of diuretics Methotrexate: Caution should be taken when taking these 2 drugs concurrently within 24 hours Because NSAIDs can increase the toxicity of Methotrexate by increasing the concentration of Methotrexate in the blood plasma. Besides, patients should be careful when using Sofenac with alcohol, beer, tobacco,... because of the active ingredients. which may have the effect of antagonizing the drug.
In summary, Sofenac belongs to the NSAID group, which is indicated for pain relief and anti-inflammatory treatment. To use the drug safely and effectively, the patient should consult a doctor and use the drug as prescribed.
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