Uses of Hydra Cap

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Hydra Cap is used to treat chronic myeloid leukemia, ovarian cancer, and certain types of skin cancer. This drug is used when the cancer is resistant, metastatic and cannot be operated on.

1. What is Hydra cap?

Hydra Cap medicine has the main ingredient Hydroxyurea 500mg and excipients (Lactose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Capsule). Prepared in capsule form.
Hydroxyurea has anti-tumor effects, but the mechanism is not really clear. The study found that the drug inhibits DNA synthesis directly through ribonucleotide reductase inhibition, but it does not affect ribonucleic acid or protein synthesis.
The drug has a lethal effect on S-phase cells that are resistant to conventional radiation, stabilizing other cells in the cell cycle in the G1 or pre-DNA synthesis stage when they are sensitive to the effects of radiation. use of radiation therapy, inhibiting DNA synthesis. This helps hydroxyurea prevent the normal repair of cells damaged but not killed by radiation therapy. Thus reducing the survival rate of abnormal cells that are not destroyed by radiation therapy.

2. Uses of Hydra Cap

Hydra Cap is indicated for use in:
Melanoma, melanoma, drug-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia; Carcinoma of the ovary has recurred, metastasized, or cannot be operated on. In combination with radiation therapy for the treatment of carcinomas of the head and neck, excluding cancers of the lips.

3. Usage and dosage of Hydra Cap

How to take the medicine:
This is a drug that is taken orally. The medicine should be taken at the same time of day. Swallow the tablet whole, do not chew or crush the tablet or open the tablet, to avoid the risk that the powder can get into the eyes, nose, and on the skin, which can be dangerous. In cases where the patient wishes, or is unable to swallow the tablet whole, the powder in the capsule can be carefully removed into a glass of water and taken immediately afterwards. Dosage:
Recommended dose in adults:
For hard tumors: Intermittent therapy, taking a dose of 80mg/kg every 3 days; Continuous treatment is taking a daily dose of 20 to 30mg/kg; in combination therapy every 3 days orally 80mg/kg. Hydroxyurea should be given at least 7 days before starting radiation therapy. Drug-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia: continuous therapy is recommended (once daily 20-30 mg/kg). Intermittent therapy is being studied. For children: Due to rare medical conditions as indicated by the drug, it has not been specifically studied.
Overdose and missed dose:
Overdosage: When overdose can see toxicity in mucous membranes, in acute skin such as ulceration, purple red, edema in palms and soles, desquamation, hyperpigmentation skin pigmentation, stomatitis. Treatment of overdose should immediately take the patient to the nearest hospital for medical support and symptomatic treatment. If you miss a dose: If you miss a dose, take the medicine as soon as you remember the missed dose. If it is almost time for your next dose, take your next dose as scheduled and you can skip the missed dose. Never double the dose, because there is a risk of overdose.

4. Contraindications of Hydra Cap

Do not use Hydra Cpa in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient Hydroxyurea or to any of the excipients contained in the drug Significant bone marrow depression with white blood cells < 2500, platelets < 100 000). Severe anemia.

5. Hydra Cap . side effects

Hydra Cap drug when used can cause the following common side effects:
Hematology: Bone marrow failure, causing leukopenia; sometimes cause platelet deficiency. Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, gastritis, loss of appetite, constipation or possibly diarrhea; Skin: Causes papules, erythema, itching; skin ulcers, dermatitis, facial erythema, hyperpigmentation, skin and nail dystrophy. Hair loss and dysuria are uncommon. Nervous disorders are particularly rare: headache, dizziness, hallucinations, convulsions. Temporary impairment of renal function causes elevation of serum uric acid, BUN, and creatinine. Side effects are usually mild and go away when the medication is stopped. However, if you experience any of the above side effects or other side effects thought to be due to the drug, you should stop taking the medicine and consult your doctor immediately for advice.

6. Notes when using Hydra Cap

It is recommended to check the overall condition of the blood, including bone marrow, kidney and liver function before and during treatment. A complete blood count, red blood cell count, and platelet count should be made at least once a week during hydroxyurea therapy. If the white blood cell count is below 2.5 G/L, or the platelet count is < 100 x 109/L, treatment with this drug should be discontinued. The count should be rechecked after 3 days and re-treatment when the values ​​increase close to normal.
Severe anemia must be stabilized before treatment with hydroxyurea.
Hydroxyurea should be used with caution in patients with markedly impaired renal function.
Lower doses may be necessary in elderly patients because they may be more sensitive to the effects of hydroxyurea.
For pregnant women: Hydroxyurea is known to be teratogenic in laboratory animals. Therefore, hydroxyurea should not be used by women who are pregnant or suspected of being pregnant. In the process of taking the drug ensures effective contraception.
Lactating women: Stop breastfeeding or discontinue the drug, as Hydroxyurea may be excreted in breast milk and harm a young child.
Do not use Hydroxyurea while the patient is driving or operating machinery.
Do not vaccinate while taking medicine. Because concurrent use of the drug with vaccines (whether live vaccines or dead antigens) can increase the danger of this vaccine.
Drug interactions: Some notes on the use of drugs together. Concomitant use with bone marrow suppressants may cause bone marrow depression. Concomitant use with clozapine may cause bone marrow toxicity.
Above is the information you can use for reference about the uses and notes when using Hydra Cap medicine. The drug is prescribed for use and monitored by a doctor, if there are problems or questions when taking the drug, you should notify the doctor.

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