Uses of Gastro

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Gastro kite is a drug that supports the treatment of peptic ulcers, which helps relieve symptoms caused by increased gastric secretion (heartburn, heartburn, epigastric pain,...). So what are the ingredients of Gastro kite and what are the effects of gastro medicine?

1. What is Gastro Kite?

Gastro kite is prepared in powder form with two main ingredients: magnesium trisilicate and aluminum hydroxide. Magnesium trisilicate and aluminum hydroxide, when entering the stomach, will react quickly with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to form chloride salts and water. Thanks to the neutralization reaction of magnesium trisilicate and aluminum hydroxide with hydrochloric acid, the pH of the stomach is raised 4 times, which inhibits the proteolytic process of pepsin, accelerating the healing of gastric ulcers.

2. Effects of the drug Gastro Kite

The drug works to relieve symptoms caused by increased gastric acid secretion such as heartburn, heartburn, flatulence and indigestion.
Support mucosal regeneration in patients with gastric ulcer and bleeding.
Neutralize stomach acid to avoid gastroesophageal reflux.

3. How to use - dosage of Gastro Kite

How to use:
The drug is in powder form (5g), when taking it, you need to mix it with 100ml of cooked water, drink it when the powder has completely dissolved. The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach or when there is pain for the best effect. Dosage:
Adults take 1 pack/time. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you can use the drug. However, you need to consult with your doctor/pharmacist to decide on the dose. The dosage of the drug can be adjusted depending on the medical condition of each person, so it is advisable to consult a qualified doctor / pharmacist and carefully read the instructions for use of the drug before taking the medicine.
When you miss a dose
If you miss a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is close to the time of the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose exactly as directed to avoid an overdose.
When using an overdose of the drug
When using an overdose of the drug, especially for a long time, high doses of aluminum hydroxide can cause phosphorus digestion, which manifests as: weakness, anorexia, decreased phosphaturia, osteoporosis.
You need to immediately notify your doctor/pharmacist when you see unusual symptoms due to drug overdose for advice and timely treatment.

4. Contraindications when using the drug Gastro Kite

Cases that cannot be used with Gastro kite include:
People with a history of allergy to the ingredients contained in the drug People with hypophosphatemia Young children, especially children with dehydration or kidney failure due to risk of aluminum toxicity

5. Undesirable effects when taking Gastro Kite

Gastro kite drugs often cause some unwanted effects such as constipation, acrid mouth, hard stomach, solid stools, vomiting, white stools. In addition, the drug also causes hypophosphatemia.
In the process of using the drug, if you encounter the conditions as mentioned or any other symptoms, immediately notify the qualified doctors/pharmacists for instructions on proper management.

6. Precautions - Note when using Gastro Kite

If you have a medical condition such as congestive heart failure, kidney failure, edema, cirrhosis of the liver or new gastrointestinal bleeding, you need to be careful when using the drug
You need to ensure a diet with enough sodium while taking the drug
The drug can cause constipation and solid stools in the elderly
If the drug is used for a long time, it is necessary to periodically check the blood phosphate level
Drug interactions when using
Amphetamine, quinidine drugs will Increased effectiveness when used in combination with Gastro kite drug due to reduced drug elimination. Antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antihistamines H2, glucocorticoids, atenolol, indomethacin, ketoconazole, neuroleptics, iron salts will be reduced absorption efficiency when used with gastro kite. In the process of using the drug to avoid interactions that affect the effectiveness of the treatment. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions for use of the drug or consult a doctor / pharmacist to get the most effective drug regimen.
Above is some information about the use of Gastro kite, if you have any questions, please contact a qualified doctor/medical professional for answers.

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