Uses of Eurocapro

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Eurocapro is an antibiotic indicated in the treatment of infections caused by sensitive bacteria such as urethritis, gonorrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory infections... Let's learn about the uses, Notes when using Eurocapro drug through the article below.

1. Uses of the drug Eurocapro

“What does Eurocapro do?” Eurocapro is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets containing the active ingredient Ciprofloxacin 500mg.
Active ingredient Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic belonging to the Fluoroquinolone group, broad-spectrum antibacterial, mostly on gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, anaerobic bacteria such as Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp... The drug works by inhibitory action mechanism. inhibits the synthesis of DNA, inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Eurocapro is indicated in the following cases:
Orchitis, gonorrhea, prostatitis, urethritis caused by urinary tract infections with or without complications; Upper respiratory tract infections, lower respiratory tract infections: Acute and chronic bronchitis, otitis media, empyema, pneumonia; Osteoarthritis; Skin, soft tissue, intestinal infections.

2. Dosage of Eurocapro

Eurocapro drug is used to treat infections caused by susceptible bacteria belonging to the group of prescription drugs. The dose of the drug used is prescribed by the doctor based on the patient's condition.
For adults:
Upper and lower respiratory tract infections: The recommended dose is 500-750mg/day divided into 2 oral doses, treatment duration is from 1-2 weeks; Acute urinary tract infections, uncomplicated: The usual dose is 250-500mg/day divided into 2 times, the treatment duration is 3 days. For premenopausal women a single dose of 500mg; Uncomplicated pyelonephritis, complicated cystitis: The recommended dose is 1000mg/day divided into 2 oral doses, the duration of treatment is 7 days; Complicated pyelonephritis: The recommended dose is 500-750mg/day divided into 2 oral doses, the treatment duration is at least 10 days and can be prolonged; Prostatitis: The recommended dose is 500-750mg/day divided into 2 oral doses, the treatment duration is from 2-4 weeks for acute prostatitis and 4-6 weeks for chronic prostatitis; Gonorrhea: Use a single dose of 500mg; Other infections: The recommended dose is 500mg/time x 2 times/day. For children: Eurocapro is not recommended for the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age. In case of necessity and mandatory use, it should be under the supervision of a doctor and medical staff.
Patients should note that the dose of the drug listed above is for reference only, the dose used should be prescribed by a doctor based on the medical condition.

3. Undesirable effects of the drug Eurocapro

Eurocapro drug can cause some side effects as follows:
Common: Diarrhea, nausea, rash; Uncommon: Headache, anorexia, flatulence, taste disturbances, increased bilirubin, dyspepsia...; Rare: Severe myasthenia gravis, dysphagia, renal failure, tendon rupture, jaundice, nephrolithiasis, hematologic changes, toxic epidermal necrolysis, pseudomembranous colitis. Patients should stop using the drug and inform the doctor if they experience any side effects during treatment with Eurocapro.

4. Notes when using Eurocapro

4.1. Contraindications Contraindicated to use Eurocapro drug in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to Ciprofloxacin or any antibiotic of the Fluoroquinolone group; The patient is being treated with Tizanidine. 4.2. Precautions for use Eurocapro dose should be adjusted in patients with renal impairment based on creatinine clearance. Caution should be exercised when treating with Eurocapro in epileptic patients because the drug increases unwanted effects on the nervous system. Patients need to add enough water to the body to avoid alkalization of urine leading to crystalluria. The risk of hemolysis is increased with ciprofloxacin treatment in patients with G6PD enzyme deficiency. Patients being treated with Ciprofloxacin should limit their exposure to the sun because the drug increases photosensitivity. For pregnant women: The drug damages cartilage and adversely affects the health of the fetus as well as the mother. Therefore, the use of Eurocapro is contraindicated in pregnant women. For lactating women: Ciprofloxacin is excreted in breast milk and is toxic to the nursing infant. Therefore, it is not recommended to use Ciprofloxacin in this population. Store Eurocapro at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and high humidity.

5. Drug interactions

Eurocapro drug may cause some of the following drug interactions:
Concomitant use with anticoagulants (Warfarin, Coumarin) prolongs bleeding time; The hypoglycaemic effect of antidiabetic agents (Glibenclamide) is increased when used with Ciprofloxacin; Methotrexate toxicity is increased when co-administered with Ciprofloxacin because Ciprofloxacin increases the renal tubular elimination of Methotrexate; The concentration of Tizanidine, Theophyllin, Clozaoine increased when co-administered with Eurocapro. Drug interactions occur that increase the risk of effects and reduce the therapeutic effect of Eurocapro, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treating patients, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the drugs and foods that are being used. used before taking Eurocapro.

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