Uses of Azilyo

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Azilyo drugs are often prescribed for effective treatment of bacterial infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. In order for Azilyo 500 to promote optimal infection treatment, disease Patients should carefully consult a doctor about the dosage, method of use as well as the frequency of use of the drug.

1. What is Azilyo?

What is Azilyo drug? Azilyo is an effective medicine used to treat respiratory infections. In addition, Azilyo is also used to treat pneumonia, pelvic inflammatory disease, and other bacterial infections.
Currently, Azilyo is manufactured by An Thien Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - Vietnam and prepared in the form of lyophilized powder for injection. The main active ingredient in Azilyo is Azithromycin 500mg with a combination of other excipients.
Active ingredient Azithromycin is known as a semi-synthetic Azalide antibiotic belonging to the Macrolide group. In terms of structure, Azithromycin is different from Erythromycin due to the addition of a Nitrogen atom to replace the Methyl group in the Lactone ring. According to research, Azithromycin has a strong bactericidal ability thanks to its binding effect on the ribosome of pathogenic bacteria, thereby preventing their protein synthesis from occurring.

2. What is the effect of Azilyo?

2.1. Indications for use of the drug Azilyo 500mg Azilyo drugs are often prescribed by doctors to treat the following infections:
Lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia. Pelvic inflammatory disease. Bronchitis . 2.2. Do not use Azilyo drug for the following patients without consulting a doctor:
Patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity reaction to the active substance Azithromycin or antibiotics Macrolides or any other excipients in the drug. Women who are pregnant. Mother is breastfeeding.

3. Dosage and instructions on how to use Azilyo effectively

3.1. Dosage of Azilyo drug to treat infections Below is the dose of Azilyo drug recommended by doctors in the treatment of infections, specifically:
Treatment of community-acquired pneumonia: Use a single dose of 500mg IV for a minimum of 2 days, then 500mg/day for 5 days. Treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease: Use a single dose of 500mg by IV line for 1-2 days, then 250mg/day for 5 days. Prior to IV infusion, Azilyo should be diluted with an isotonic solution and administered at a slow rate of 1mg/mL over 3 hours or 2mg/mL over 1 hour. The above dose of Azilyo is for reference only, it is best for patients to discuss specifically with their doctor to get an appropriate dose of treatment.
3.2. Instructions on how to use Azilyo 500 effectively and safely Because Azilyo is made in the form of lyophilized powder for injection, the drug will be administered via injection or IV infusion. During the course of treatment with Azilyo, the patient needs to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor to ensure safety and minimize the risk of experiencing adverse reactions.

4. Possible side effects when using Azilyo

During the treatment of bacterial infections with Azilyo 500mg, patients may accidentally encounter the following undesirable side effects:
Nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Inflammation or pain at the injection site. Itchy rash or inflammation of the vagina. In addition to the above side effects, patients may have some other problems that have not been mentioned. When you notice the appearance of any unusual symptoms during treatment with Azilyo, you should notify your doctor as soon as possible for advice and remedies.

5. What to note when taking Azilyo 500mg

Before and during treatment with Azilyo, the following patients need to be very careful:
Patients with liver failure. People with kidney failure. Children under 16 years old. When there are signs of diarrhea, it is important to note that the patient is diagnosed with pseudomembranous colitis. In addition, before using Azilyo, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and ensure that the drug is still used. Because some side effects of Azilyo 500 may affect the patient's ability to use machines and drive, so patients with specific occupations related to this job need to be very careful. Be careful when taking Azilyo.
Azilyo medicine should be stored in a dry place, away from direct light. In addition, it is necessary to keep Azilyo out of reach of small children to prevent the risk of children playing and accidentally drinking.

6. Interactions of Azilyo with other drugs

Below is a list of drugs that have the potential to interact with Azilyo:
Warfarin. Theophylline drug. Digoxin drug. Triazolam drug. Ergotamine and derivatives. Drugs metabolized via Cytochrome P450. To ensure safety and prevent the risk of interactions between Azilyo and other drugs, patients need to inform their doctor about the list of drugs currently taking for advice and appropriate treatment.
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