The effects of the drug Camrese

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Hormonal birth control pills will usually combine a form of Estrogen and a form of Progestin. One product in this group is the drug Camrese. So how does Camrese birth control pill work?

1. What does Camrese do?

Camrese is a hormonal contraceptive that combines two ingredients, a progestin (Levonorgestrel) and an estrogen (Ethinyl estradiol). Camrese's mechanism of action is to prevent the release of an egg (ovulation) during the menstrual cycle. In addition, Camrese drug also has a number of other effects such as thickening vaginal fluid, preventing sperm from reaching an egg to fertilize it, and changing the lining of the uterus to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting.
In addition to the contraceptive effect, Camrese also supports a more regular menstrual cycle, limits blood loss and reduces abdominal pain in each cycle, reduces the risk of ovarian cysts and supports the treatment of acne. fish. However, the Camrese birth control pill does not protect the user or partner from sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea or Chlamydia).

2. Instructions for using Camrese

Users need to carefully read the instructions for use before starting to take Camrese. This product is intended for oral use at a dose of 1 tablet x 1 time per day.
Users will choose an appropriate, easy-to-remember time of day to take Camrese and maintain it at the same time every day. The right time to use Camrese birth control pills for people experiencing side effects such as stomach pain or nausea is after dinner or before going to bed.
In order for Camrese to work most effectively, users need to follow the doctor's instructions and the instructions as recommended by the manufacturer.
When starting out, the user needs to find and take the correct first Camrese pill, then take the remaining pills in the correct order and not skip any pills. The best time to start taking Camrese is the first Sunday of your menstrual cycle (if your period starts on Sunday, start taking it on that day). Each pack of Camrese birth control pills includes 84 pills containing both Estrogen and Progestin, 7 pills containing only Estrogen. Users regularly take 84 pills containing Estrogen and Progestin, then continue to take 7 Camrese pills containing Estrogen for the next 7 days. Normally, menstruation will occur within 7 days of taking Camrese pills that contain only estrogen. After the end of the pill pack, the user still has to start a new pack whether or not they are menstruating.
In case of using hormonal contraceptives for the first time, users should apply an additional non-hormonal method of contraception (such as condoms, spermicide) for the first 7 days so that Camrese is enough. effective time and increase the effectiveness of contraception.
If switching from another hormonal birth control method (such as the patch or other hormonal contraceptives) to Camrese, consult your doctor.

3. Side effects of birth control pills Camrese

A common side effect of Camrese:
Nausea, vomiting; Headache ; Full stomach; Chest tightness; Water retention causes ankle/feet swelling; Weight change. Camrese users may experience vaginal bleeding between periods, especially the first time. When using Camrese pills, users will not have a period completely for 3 months when taking pills containing both Estrogen and Progestin, and periods only occur during the week of taking estrogen-only pills (meaning menstrual cycles occur every other day. 3 months). If you do not have a period during the week of taking Camrese estrogen pills, please contact your doctor to check the possibility of pregnancy.
Camrese birth control pills can cause an increase in blood pressure, so users need to check their blood pressure regularly and if so, notify their doctor if their blood pressure is abnormally high.
Some other serious side effects of Camrese birth control pills , including:
A lump in the breast; Mental status changes (such as new or worsening depression); Epigastric pain ; Dark urine, yellow eyes, yellow skin. Camrese birth control pills can increase the risk of blood clots forming and causing serious conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, stroke...

4. Notes when using Camrese

Camrese oral contraceptive users should use caution if there is a history of allergy to Ethinyl estradiol, Levonorgestrel or other types of estrogens and progestins.
Some other history that should be taken into account before using Camrese:
History of blood clots in the legs, eyes or lungs; Hereditary hemostasis disorder; Hypertension; Abnormalities of the mammary gland on examination; Cancer (endometrial cancer, breast cancer); Hypercholesterolemia or dyslipidemia; Depression ; Diabetes ; Gallbladder disease; headache or migraine; Certain heart conditions such as heart valve disease, arrhythmia or myocardial infarction; History of yellowing of the eyes or skin during pregnancy or when using hormonal contraceptives; Kidney and liver disease (including tumors); Stroke; Thyroid disease; Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause. Camrese is not recommended for use during pregnancy. If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, you should tell your doctor right away if you are taking Camrese. Women who have recently had a baby or had a miscarriage/abortion within 3 months should talk to their doctor about more reliable forms of birth control and learn when it's right to use estrogen-containing birth control. , like the drug Camrese .
Camrese birth control pills can reduce breast milk production and small amounts pass into breast milk, so there is a risk of unwanted effects in the nursing infant. Therefore Camrese users should consult their doctor before breast-feeding.

5. Interactions of birth control pills Camrese

Some products that may interact with Camrese include:
Aromatase inhibitors, including Anastrozole, Exemestane; Ospemifene; Tamoxifen; Tizanidine; tranexamic acid; Combination products for chronic hepatitis C such as Ombitasvir or Paritaprevir or Ritonavir with or without Dasabuvir. Camrese birth control pills can interfere with and distort the results of certain tests, such as blood clotting factors or thyroid function tests.

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