Premature ejaculation is physiological weakness?

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The article is professionally consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are two common physiological disorders in men. In fact, there are still many people who confuse premature ejaculation with physiological weakness, causing treatment failure and worsening disease.

1. Overview of Physiological Weaknesses

Physiological weakness is a "difficult to say" disease, which directly affects men's sex life, is a condition in which the penis is hard to erect or can only be erect for a short time, causing loss of interest in "life". love", physiological weakness can lead to infertility if not treated early.
A man with physiological weakness will have signs such as:
Decreased sex drive, no feeling for sex. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection or get an erection for a short time. Sex does not bring satisfaction. Pain during erection and ejaculation.

2. Causes of male sexual weakness

In life, there are many objective and subjective causes that cause men to suffer from physiological weakness:
It may be due to age, psychological stress, stress, pressure for too long, the patient has a habit of abuse Using stimulants such as beer, alcohol, tobacco, hallucinogens... May be due to previous medical causes that the patient has such as kidney failure, diabetes, mumps, or other diseases. related to the genital organs... Due to the effect of some drugs to treat other diseases.

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Do tác dụng của một số loại thuốc điều trị bệnh khác

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3. What is premature ejaculation?

In fact, premature ejaculation is an increase in the sensitivity of the tip of the penis, making the men's climax process shorter than usual, but men still have sexual desire during sex. The penis has enough erection to conduct intercourse but ejaculates too quickly before the time of ejaculation, unable to control the time of ejaculation during sex. Many cases just need to be stimulated by a deep kiss or the penis that has not been inserted into the vagina has ejaculated.
When studying the status of premature ejaculation, scientists say that this condition is closely related to depression in men, in which, premature ejaculation is considered as one of the signs. warning.
If premature ejaculation continues for a long time, the possibility of family happiness as well as marital fulfillment will face big problems.

4. Is premature ejaculation weak physiological?

Premature ejaculation is physiological weakness or not? Currently, many people are still confused between these two concepts, leading to treatment failure and worsening of the condition.
People with physiological weakness also have cases with symptoms of premature ejaculation, but people with premature ejaculation can still find pleasure in sex and do not have a decrease in sexual desire. is physiological weakness. In terms of medicine, premature ejaculation is an independent disease, a man with premature ejaculation still has the ability to affect his partner's satisfaction during sex and his ability to meet his own sexual needs.
The evaluation of premature ejaculation needs to be evaluated from a scientific perspective, if detected and treated properly, it is likely to be completely cured. This disease completely does not reduce the masculinity or the ability to bear children of the patient.
In essence, physiological weakness and premature ejaculation are completely independent of each other, so it is necessary to understand and clearly distinguish the two concepts to find the right treatment method, improve sex life effectively.

4. What to do when physiological weakness - premature ejaculation?

Currently, with the development of medicine, premature ejaculation can be completely treated by combining the use of drugs with psychological therapies. When suffering from premature ejaculation or physiological weakness, the patient should boldly seek a doctor for examination and treatment if necessary. There are several methods to help men improve their health and mental well-being to have enough self-control. Believe to show your manly bravery in the bedroom:
Enhance nutrients, foods rich in vitamin E, fruits...

Tăng cường bổ sung các chất dinh dưỡng, thực phẩm giàu vitamin E, hoa quả..
Tăng cường bổ sung các chất dinh dưỡng, thực phẩm giàu vitamin E, hoa quả..

Give up the habit of smoking and using stimulants like beer, alcohol... Daily exercise and sports to improve health, relieve stress, stress... Plan to work Proper rest helps blood circulate easily. In fact, not all problems related to the penis can be prevented, however, regular health check-ups are a way to prevent and protect your health as well as detect it early. abnormalities (if any) for appropriate and timely treatment.

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