Is it okay to have a stomachache with a dull stomachache after eating?

Hello doctor,
Every time I finished eating, my stomach kept growling and dull pain, fullness, indigestion. So the doctor asked me if my stomach was boiling with a dull stomachache after eating, is it okay? Thank you.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Doctor Dao Minh Phuong - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Hello friend,
With the question “Is it okay to have a stomachache with a dull stomachache after eating? ”, the doctor would like to answer as follows:
There are many diseases that can cause indigestion, such as diseases related to the stomach, pancreas, hepatobiliary or Helicobacter Pylori infection. If you are accompanied by symptoms such as weight loss, painful swallowing, difficulty swallowing, palpable abdominal mass... then you must seek medical attention immediately. On the contrary, you can arrange a suitable time for the examination later. It is important that you have an examination at a medical facility that specializes in Gastroenterology and has enough paraclinical equipment such as endoscopy and ultrasound so that when necessary, the doctor can prescribe it.
If you still have questions about stomach bloating with dull abdominal pain and indigestion after eating, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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