How to detoxify the liver for people who drink alcohol

For people who often have to drink alcohol, it is inevitable that liver function will be adversely affected. Therefore, in the following article will provide readers with ways to detoxify the liver for people who drink alcohol safely, simply and effectively.

1. Filtered water

Water is the component that accounts for 70-80% of the body's weight, without water we will gradually deplete. Drinking a lot of water is a simple and effective method to quickly remove toxins in alcohol from the body. Specifically, water acts as a factor to help increase blood circulation, accelerate the elimination of toxins through urine, sweat or breath.
Therefore, each person should drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day, but should not drink too much because it will cause nocturia and frequent urination.

2. Green bean juice

In Oriental medicine, green beans have a sweet, cool taste, not only as a raw material for processing dishes, but also often appear in remedies to clear heat and detoxify the liver. We can process it in many ways such as cooking green bean milk, mung bean juice, green bean porridge, green bean tea with aloe vera,...

3. Pumpkin juice

Pumpkin is a fruit that contains many essential vitamins and minerals for the body. In particular, according to Oriental medicine, it has a sweet taste, cool properties, effective in detoxifying the liver, clearing heat very well. Pumpkin juice is also a drink of natural origin, safe, benign and does not contain preservatives and chemicals that are dangerous to the body.
How to make squash juice:
Prepare: 1kg of squash, 5 pandan leaves, 10g of field, 150g of rock sugar, 1/3 teaspoon of salt, 4 liters of clean water. The squash is washed, peeled, cut into small pieces, washed pandan leaves and then tied. Put the squash, zucchini, rock sugar and salt into the pot, add water and cook until the squash is soft, add pandan leaves, continue to cook for another 5 minutes, then turn off the heat. Wait for the water to cool, filter out the residue and store in the refrigerator to drink gradually.

4. Honey water

Honey is a raw material with sweet taste, average, tonic effect, laxative, except cough, detoxification system, laxative. In addition, it also contains nutritional ingredients, supports digestive activity, improves liver glycogen and hemoglobin content, strengthens the liver's detoxification and purification ability, treats diseases such as cirrhosis. liver and liver cancer.
Scientific studies also prove that, if after breakfast and before going to bed drinking a glass of warm honey water is not only beneficial for the body but also especially good for the liver.
How to make honey water:
Preparation: 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 cup of warm water. Take honey mixed in a cup of warm water, stir until dissolved and enjoy. In addition, you can add lemon juice, a thin slice of ginger or turmeric to increase efficiency for the liver, bile and stomach.

5. Green tea water

Green tea has long been famous as a natural detox drink, because its composition contains a large amount of antioxidants, helping the body to relieve stress, fatigue, and cooling the skin. , remove toxins from the body. Not only that, if you regularly drink 4-5 cups of green tea every day, it will help prevent liver diseases such as liver heat, fatty liver, cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.
How to make green tea:
Preparation: 50-100g green tea leaves, boiling water. Green tea leaves are washed clean of dirt, drained, then crushed to increase flavor when preparing. Put green tea leaves in a pot or kettle, add boiling water and discard the overflowing water, add 200-300ml of boiling water, brew the tea for about 3-5 minutes and then enjoy.

6. Gotu kola juice

Gotu kola is a cool, bitter, mildly aromatic raw material, often used as a beverage with the function of detoxifying the liver, preventing cardiovascular diseases and beautifying the skin very well. For those who are suffering from liver diseases, gotu kola is no different from a medicine that helps to cool the liver very effectively.
How to make gotu kola juice:
Preparation: 200g gotu kola, 1 liter of boiled water to cool. Gotu kola washed, soaked with salt water for about 30 minutes, put gotu kola in a blender, made more water and pureed. Then filter the water and remove the residue, you can store the gotu kola juice in the refrigerator, when mixed with a little sugar, it will be easier to drink.

7. Brown rice water

Brown rice, also known as brown rice, brown rice is a type of rice that has only been milled with the outer husk and still has the rice bran layer inside. It has a high nutritional value, good for both overall health and liver function. We can use it by cooking rice or processing drinking water. In particular, brown rice water is very good for people with hot flashes, pimples, often drinking alcohol, because the bran layer contains oil, especially has the effect of regulating air pressure, detoxifying the liver and preventing prevent cardiovascular disease.
How to make brown rice water:
Preparation: 100g of brown rice, 1 liter of water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Put the pan on the stove, until the pan is hot, add brown rice evenly over low heat, when the rice turns dark and fragrant, turn off the heat. Roasted brown rice is put in a pot, add water and boil over low heat until the rice is soft, then turn off the heat.

8. Black bean juice

Black beans are seeds with ingredients rich in vitamins and mineral salts, especially the active ingredient molybdenum - a component of the sulfite oxidase enzyme, which is highly effective in detoxifying sulfates in the liver. Therefore, black bean water is an indispensable drink in the list of drinks to cool the liver and detoxify.
How to cook black bean water:
Preparation: 200g black beans, 500 - 600ml filtered water. Black beans are picked up, washed, then put in a pot, poured in boiling water and boiled over high heat for about 10 minutes. Then lower the heat and cook until the beans are soft, then turn off the heat. You can filter out the bean residue or leave the water and seeds both very good.

9. Artichoke Tea

Artichoke is likened to a panacea for the liver, because it contains many active ingredients cynarin and silymarin, both are two antioxidants that have great effects in restoring liver function of cells, eliminating toxins in the liver. liver and support the treatment of liver diseases such as elevated liver enzymes, chronic hepatitis B,...
Not only that, the cynarin contained in artichoke leaves also supports the regulation of bile flow, stimulates increased secretion bile is 4 times higher than normal. This mechanism helps the liver to excrete toxins, and at the same time restores the function of the liver better, so that the liver also becomes healthier.
How to make artichoke tea:
Prepare: 2 artichoke flower buds, 3 liters of water, 3 spoons of rock sugar. Artichoke flowers are cut off the stems and stems, then washed, drained, put the flowers in a pot and poured water in. Cook until the water boils, then reduce the heat to low, continue to simmer for 45 minutes, then turn off the heat. Pick up the flower part out, you can use the flower to process the dish, add rock sugar to the water and cook until the sugar dissolves, then turn off the stove. Take the water to cool and then enjoy.

10. Dandelion

According to Oriental medicine, dandelion is a medicinal herb capable of curing many diseases, in which its roots help reduce uric acid levels, detoxify the fatty liver extremely well.
How to make dandelion juice:
Preparation: Wash dandelion roots, cut into small slices, 200ml clean water. Put water and roots in a pot, cover and boil for about 20 minutes, then turn off the heat, filter the water, let it cool and drink.

11. Exercise - sports

Increasing exercise and sports is a method applied to improve overall health and limit many diseases. Scientific studies have proven that exercise helps promote circulation and good digestion, so the detoxification process in the liver is also faster and more effective.
And yet, exercise is also considered a way to reduce inflammation and fight disease. Experts also recommend that exercising at an intensity of 150-300 minutes per week will be very beneficial for your health.

12. Get enough sleep

Sleep is also a natural remedy, supporting the liver detoxification mechanism extremely effectively. During the time from 11 pm to 1 am the next morning is the time when the liver does the most effective detoxification task, in order to remove excess substances and residues. If during this time we are still awake, the toxins will not be eliminated. Therefore, going to bed early and getting enough sleep is a simple and effective way to detoxify the liver for people who drink alcohol.

13. Sauna, therapy

Sauna is a way to help us heat up the body, increase perspiration, thereby optimally supporting the body's detoxification process. Not only that, this method also improves blood circulation in the body, enhances the detoxification activity in the liver, helps you have a healthy body and fresher skin.

14. Change your diet

Adding more vegetables is the way many people choose to enhance liver detoxification. In addition, the factor that plays an important role is still the balance in the diet such as:
Prioritize the use of foods rich in antioxidants such as: Green tea, fruits, nuts, .. Do not use alcohol, stimulants, tobacco, ... to limit free radicals. Limit the use of processed foods, fast foods, foods high in sugar or artificial sweeteners. Limit the use of refined starchy foods such as: Donuts, white bread,... Increase the use of organic foods to limit exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides or by-products other family. Adding yogurt to daily meals to stimulate digestion, reduce toxins produced in the digestive tract that harmful bacteria create. Maintain a healthy, low-salt diet to help eliminate toxins through the kidneys more efficiently. Balance the diet, make sure to add enough multi-micronutrients, to help the liver detoxification process take place more effectively. Above are 14 ways to detox the liver for people who drink alcohol safely, effectively and easily. Hopefully through the above article you have learned how to protect your liver as well as your overall health.

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