What is Lorabay?

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Lorabay drug is indicated for use in cases of hypersensitivity or people with allergic rhinitis and symptoms of urticaria, skin allergies. So how should Lorabay be used to get the best effect?

1. What are the uses of Lorabay?

1.1. What is Lorabay? Lorabay belongs to the group of anti-allergic drugs and is used for cases of hypersensitivity, with symptoms of runny nose, sneezing and itching. Used for people with allergic conjunctivitis with symptoms of itchy eyes, burning eyes.
Lorabay drug includes the following ingredients:
Main active ingredient: Loratadin with 10mg of Excipients: Microcrystalline cellulose, Lactose, Starch, Talc powder, Magnesium stearate, Sodium benzoate just enough in 1 tablet. The drug is available in the form of 10mg tablets. Lorabay is recommended for use by adults and children 6 years of age and older.
1.2. What does Lorabay do? Lorabay is an H1 antihistamine that is thought to be involved in allergic reactions. Active ingredient Loratadin is an active substance with antihistamine activity at the H1 receptor and is used to treat allergies related diseases. Loratadine can selectively prolong peripheral H1-receptor antagonism without CNS effects. (Not sedating)
Loratadine alleviates the symptoms of rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis caused by the release of histamine. With anti-itching effect, urticaria is also directly related to histamine. But in the case of strong histamine release (anaphylaxis), loratadine is unlikely to be protective or clinically helpful. Loratadine is not distributed into the brain at usual doses, so there is no central nervous system effect, no sedative effect. Loratadine has a lower potential for side effects than other 2nd generation antihistamines. Loratadine relieves symptoms, but in chronic diseases, the disease may recur, requiring additional use of other drugs. In addition, Lorabay medicine also contains a number of excipients such as Lactose, Microcrystalline cellulose, Starch, Talc, Sodium benzoate, Magnesium stearate to help increase strength, increase beauty, prevent mildew and ensure tablet volume. . Lorabay is indicated for use in the following cases:
Allergic rhinitis such as: Sneezing, runny nose and itching. Allergic conjunctivitis such as: Itchy and burning eyes. Symptoms of urticaria and allergic skin disorders.

2. How to use Lorabay

2.1. How to use Lorabay Put the medicine on the tongue Loratadine will dissolve on its own, no need to drink with water. Or can be taken orally with filtered water.
Do not increase the dose compared to the doctor's instructions and prescriptions.
Can take medicine at any time.
2.2. Dosage of the drug Lorabay Reference dosage:
People over 12 years old: 1 tablet/time/day.
Children 6-12 years old: Can take 1-2-1 tablets/time/day. Over 30kg: 1 tablet each time, 1 time a day. Under 30kg: take 1⁄2 tablets each time, take 1 time a day. Patients with severe hepatic or renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30ml/min):
Initial dose is 1 tablet/time/day. The maintenance dose is 1 tablet every 2 days. Handling missed dose: Patients need to take the supplement as soon as they remember. In case it is almost time for the next dose, the patient can skip the missed dose and take the next dose on schedule. Patients should not exceed the prescribed dose to make up for the dose. Overdosing can lead to overdose.
Treatment of overdose: In adults, when taking an overdose of loratadine (40 - 180 mg), there are manifestations: Drowsiness, tachycardia, headache. In children, there are extrapyramidal manifestations and palpitations, when the syrup is overdosed (in excess of 10 mg).
How to handle: Stop the drug immediately and immediately take the patient to the medical center for timely treatment.

3. Contraindications of Lorabay

Patients with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient or any of the excipients listed above of Lorabay.
Children under 6 years old
Pregnant and lactating women.
People with severe liver and kidney failure.

4. Notes when using Lorabay

Medicines only treat the symptoms, not the cause of the disease. Therefore, when using the drug should be combined with some other drugs to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
For patients with impaired liver and kidney function, tests should be performed to check biochemical indicators in order to adjust the dose accordingly.
Elderly people when taking Lorabay are prone to dry mouth, increasing the risk of tooth decay, so it is necessary to pay attention to clean oral hygiene when using Lorabay medicine.
Pregnant women: There are no adequate studies in pregnant women. Therefore, it should be used only when absolutely necessary and in low doses for a short time.
Lactating mothers: The drug has been reported to be excreted in human milk. Therefore, if it must be used, it should be used in low doses and for short periods of time.
Currently, there have been no reported cases of interactions with food or drinks when using Lorabay. However, it is necessary to limit the use of stimulants such as carbonated drinks and alcohol to increase the effectiveness of the drug.
Caution when dosing for:
When Lorabay is combined with Cimetidine, the plasma concentration of Loratadine is increased by 60% due to inhibition of Cimetidine. The interaction of 2 drugs has not been recorded with clinical manifestations. Concomitant administration of Lorabay and Ketoconazole resulted in a 3-fold increase in Loratadine plasma concentrations. The interaction of 2 drugs has not been recorded with clinical manifestations. Concomitant use of Lorabay and erythromycin causes increased plasma concentrations of Loratadine. Clinically, there is no change in the safety of Loratadine, no sedation effects, and syncope may occur when using 2 drugs simultaneously.

5. Lorabay side effects

Common side effects can be mentioned such as: Dry mouth, headache, nausea, fatigue... If during use, there are any adverse effects, please notify your doctor. or a qualified pharmacist for appropriate assistance.
If there are any more questions that need to be answered when taking Lorabay, patients should actively discuss with their doctor, pharmacist for advice on how to use the drug effectively and best.

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