What does Acnequidt do?

Acnequidt solution is an antibiotic that combines two active ingredients Clindamycin and Metronidazol to treat acne, increased sebum secretion and bacterial infections on the skin. In addition, Acnequidt is also used to treat sinusitis, otitis media, periodontitis.

1. Uses of Acnequidt

Acnequidt belongs to the group of topical antibiotics, with the main ingredients being Clindamycin 200mg and Metronidazol 160mg. The active ingredient Clindamycin inhibits protein synthesis of bacteria (gram-positive, anaerobic bacilli, Propionibacterium acnes bacteria), and Metronidazole has the effect of causing bacterial cell death (group of anaerobic bacteria, intestinal amoeba, etc.) ). The two active ingredients Clindamycin and Metronidazole work together against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
Acnequidt medicine is prepared in the form of a solution for external use and is indicated for use in the treatment of the following conditions:
Acne, especially cystic acne, pustular acne, rosacea Sinusitis, inflammation Middle ear Periodontitis Folliculitis, seborrhea and other skin infections

2. How to use and dosage of Acnequidt

Acnequidt is for external use. For places of infection, which are the mouth, nose, and ears, the drops are applied directly. Dosage of Acnequidt solution depends on the purpose of treatment as follows:
Acne and bacterial infections on the skin: Clean and dry the skin, then gently apply the medicine to the affected skin from 1 to 2 times a day or depending to the doctor's instructions. Sinusitis, otitis media, periodontitis: Direct drops 3 times a day, drops for 2 weeks and if necessary, can be used for another 2 weeks. Acnequidt, if used in excess, can cause colitis, diarrhea, confusion, dizziness, and ataxia. At that time, it is necessary to notify a doctor or contact a medical facility for timely treatment.

3. Acnequidt side effects

Acnequidt medicine can cause some unwanted side effects such as dry skin, skin irritation, contact dermatitis at the application site, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, confusion digestive disorders.
If you see any of the above symptoms, the patient should immediately contact a pharmacist, doctor or go to a medical facility for advice and guidance.

4. Some notes when using Acnequidt

Acnequidt drug should not be used in people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, pregnant and lactating women, people with a history of colitis, people driving vehicles and operating machinery. When irritation or side effects appear, the dose should be reduced or discontinued. Acnequidt solution must not be used for a long time because the ability of bacteria to respond to the drug may be reduced. If the drug is past its expiry date, it should not be used. Avoid applying the medicine to sensitive skin and eyes. If the medicine gets into the eyes, rinse immediately with water. The medicine has an unpleasant smell, so when applying the medicine around the mouth, care should be taken. Alcohol should not be consumed during treatment with the drug because of the risk of a disulfiram-type reaction. The effectiveness of steroid-containing birth control pills is reduced if acnequidt is used. The effect of acnequidt is reduced when using the same group of drugs. It is best to inform your doctor about the medicines you are using, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, functional foods and herbs for your doctor's advice, to ensure safety when prescribing Acnequidt. . The area where the medicine is applied should be protected from direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays. So you need to cover up or use sunscreen when going out. Acnequidt is an antibiotic, so do not arbitrarily stop the drug during treatment, it will cause antibiotic resistance. Acnequidt works to kill bacteria that cause acne on the skin and infections in the ears, nose, and mouth.

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