Uses of Taptiqom

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Taptiqom drug has the main ingredients Tafluprost 0.015mg/ml and Timolol (in the form of Timolol maleate) 5mg/ml along with some other excipients. Taptiqom is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma. Here are some useful information about Taptiqom to help patients learn and use the drug safely and effectively.

1. What is Taptiqom?

Taptiqom is a drug in the group of drugs used to treat the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Taptiqom is manufactured in the form of eye drops and is packaged in boxes of 3 bags x 10 ampoules x 0.3ml.
Taptiqom drug has the main ingredients Tafluprost 0.015mg/ml and Timolol (in the form of Timolol maleate) 5mg/ml along with some other excipients such as: Glycerol, Disodium phosphate doecahydrate, Disodium edetat, Polysorbat 80, Sodium hydroxide, Concentrated hydrochloric acid, water for injection is enough for 1 ampoule.

2. What are the uses of Taptiqom?

Taptiqom is used in the following cases:
Treatment of low intraocular pressure (IOP) in adult patients with open-angle glaucoma. Treatment of patients with glaucoma. For use in patients who have not responded adequately to beta-blockers or prostaglandin analogues as topical monotherapy and require a combination therapy and who would benefit from the drops. Eyes do not contain preservatives. Taptiqom is only used to treat adults > 18 years old.

3. Dosage and how to use Taptiqom

3.1. How to use Taptiqom is prepared in the form of eye drops and is tolerated by the small route of boils.
Taptiqom is a sterile, preservative-free solution packaged in a single dose. The medicine is for single use only, one tube is enough to treat both eyes. Unused solution should be discarded immediately after use.
3.2. Dosage The dose of Taptiqom drug depends on each subject and the course of the disease, there will be an appropriate dose. Here is the dose of Taptiqom you can refer to:
The recommended daily dose is just one drop in the affected eye each day. In case the patient forgets to take a dose, the patient should continue with the next dose as planned and directed by the doctor. Remember not to exceed the daily dose of the drug, only 1 drop in the affected eye. For Children and Children < 18 years: There are currently no data on the safety and efficacy of Taptiqom in children and adolescents < 18 years of age. Therefore, Taptiqom should not be used in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. For the elderly: Taptiqom dosage in the elderly does not need to adjust the dose of the drug. For patients with liver and kidney failure: Caution should be exercised when using Taptiqom for patients with liver or kidney failure. Because Taptiqom eye drops contain Tafluprost and Timolol, they have not been studied in patients with liver or kidney failure.

4. Contraindications of Taptiqom

Taptiqom is contraindicated in the following cases:
Taptiqom is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity or history of allergy to Tafluprost, Timolol and other excipients contained in the drug. It is not recommended to use the drug for people with reactive airway disease, including bronchial asthma or with a history of bronchial asthma, severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Contraindicated in patients with sinus bradycardia, sinus node syndrome, including sinoatrial block, second- or third-degree atrioventricular block not controlled with pacemakers. Do not use Taptiqom for patients with marked heart failure, cardiogenic shock. Taptiqom should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. If necessary, it must be used under the guidance of a doctor.

5. Note when using Taptiqom

Here are some notes when the patient needs to know when starting treatment with Taptiqom:
Patients using Taptiqom should wipe off excess drug solution on the skin, to reduce the risk of darkening of the eyelids. In order to reduce the unwanted effects of the drug on the whole body and increase the local effect of the drug, the patient needs to use a technique to block the tear ducts or close the eyes for 2 minutes, the systemic absorption of the drug will be reduced. reduce. In case the patient uses more than one type of eye drops, the distance between the drugs should be at least > 5 minutes apart. For patients using contact lenses, it is necessary to remove the contact lenses before instilling the drug and can be put back in 15 minutes. Patients should be instructed to use the drug, do not let the tube come into contact with the eye and surrounding structures because it may cause damage to the eye. In the case of eye drops that are not stored properly, they can be contaminated with common bacteria that cause eye infections. When the patient uses the contaminated solution, it will lead to serious damage to the eye and then cause vision loss. Therefore, patients should also be instructed to properly store Taptiqom to avoid health hazards.

6. Side effects when using Taptiqom

During the use of Taptiqom, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
May have conjunctival/eye congestion, itchy eyes, eye irritation, sensation of foreign objects in the eyes , eye pain, thicker eyelashes, eyelash discoloration, blurred vision, Causes photophobia to the eyes. Causes exacerbation of asthma and difficulty breathing. Causes vision loss, conjunctival edema. Low blood sugar, depression, pressure, memory loss, anxiety. Dizziness, tinnitus, fainting. Cough, nausea, diarrhea, weakness.

7. Taptiqom drug interactions

Drug interactions may have a synergistic effect leading to significant hypotension and bradycardia when beta-blocking eye drops are co-administered with calcium channel blockers, beta-adrenergic blockers, and antiarrhythmic agents. (including Amiodarone), Cardiac Gycosides of the Digitalis class, parasympathomimetic agents, oral guanethidine. The use of Taptiqom with oral β-adrenergic blockers is likely to exacerbate rebound hypertension due to discontinuation of Clonidine therapy. The use of drugs that treat CYP2D6 inhibitors such as: Quinidine, Fluoxetin and Paroxetin together with Timolol will cause the possibility of systemic beta-blocking effects that have been reported such as: Decreased heart rate, depression. Concomitant use of beta-blocker eye drops and adrenaline (epinephrine) causes pupillary dilation in patients, which has been reported. Taptiqom drug has the main ingredients Tafluprost 0.015mg/ml and Timolol (in the form of Timolol maleate) 5mg/ml along with some other excipients. Taptiqom is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma.
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