Uses of Suprane

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Suprane is an inhalation anesthetic. The following is information about the uses, dosage and precautions when using Suprane medicine.

1. What is the effect of Suprane?

Suprane is an anesthetic drug used through inhalation, the main ingredient is Desflurane 100% / 240ml, prepared in liquid form. With the active ingredient Desflurane, the drug is easily absorbed and acts quickly. When using drugs, the process of induction and maintenance of anesthesia is effective, helping to facilitate surgery for outpatients and inpatients.
Uses of Suprane are: Used as an inhalation anesthetic for the initiation or maintenance of surgical anesthesia for outpatients and inpatients in adults.

2. Dosage and how to take Suprane

2.1 Dosage: The selection of pre-anesthetic drugs is often individualized for each patient. When conducting clinical studies, patients assigned to anesthesia with Desflurane will often receive intravenous pre-anesthetic drugs similar to opioids and/or benzodiazepines.
For induction of anesthesia: Some patients are pre-anesthetized with oipoids and are usually started with a 3% desflurane concentration and gradually increased by 0.5 - 1% every 2 - 3 beats. With a concentration of Suprane 4 - 11% at the end of expiration, combined or not combined with N2O will make the patient anesthetize for a period of 2 - 4 minutes. When Desflurane was tested as the first-line anesthetic, the upper respiratory tract could have an irritating effect;
For maintenance of anesthesia: Concentrations of 2.5 - 8.5% Suprane can be maintained during surgery in adults, with or without nitro oxide. For young children, the surgical anesthetic concentration is maintained at 5.2 - 10% Suprane, with or without nitro oxide. End-expiratory concentrations of up to 18% have been indicated for short-term anesthetic use. In case a higher concentration of anesthesia with nitrous oxide is indicated, the inhaled gas mixture must contain at least 25% oxygen.
2.2 How to use: Suprane is prepared as a liquid for inhalation through the respiratory tract.
2.3 Treatment of overdose: In case the patient overdoses, the treatment should be done immediately is to notify the doctor or in the patient appear abnormal signs of health, the family member should take the patient. Immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely emergency assistance.
2.4 Management of missed dose: In case the patient misses a dose, it should be supplemented as soon as possible when discovered. If it is almost time for the missed dose to be detected, it is best to skip the missed dose and take the next dose as scheduled.

3. Notes when using Suprane

3.1 Contraindications: Do not use the drug with people who cannot use general anesthesia;
Do not use with people who are hypersensitive to halogen derivatives;
Do not use in persons with known or suspected genetic susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia;
Do not use in people with a history of hepatitis caused by inhaled halogenated anesthetics or with a history of unexplained moderate to severe liver dysfunction such as febrile yellow skin or eosinophilia. After anesthesia with a halogenated inhalational anesthetic;
Pediatric patients initiated with a mask are contraindicated with Desflurane.
3.2 Side effects: Blood and lymphatic system disorders may occur; Hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis; Presence of convulsions; Yellow eyes; Cardiac arrest, torsades de pointes, ventricular failure, hypoactivity, atrial fibrillation due to vasomotor disorders such as malignant hypertension, hemorrhage, hypotension, shock; Chest and mediastinum may appear apnea, respiratory failure, bronchospasm, hemoptysis; Acute pancreatitis, abdominal pain; Liver failure, hepatitis, hepatocellular failure, cholestasis, jaundice, abnormal liver function, liver disorder; Appears urticaria, erythema. The above is a list of possible side effects when using the drug, however, this list may not be exhaustive. If the patient experiences any abnormal signs of health, it is necessary to immediately notify the treating doctor to know and advise the appropriate solution.
3.3 Caution Products that have been tested pose risks to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Therefore, before using the drug for this group of subjects, it is necessary to be very careful and consult a doctor carefully;
For the ability to drive and use machines, there are currently no specific reports on the effects of the product on the driver and the operator. However, to ensure maximum safety for users, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use;
Suprane must be kept out of reach of children;
Read the instruction sheet carefully before taking the medicine;
In case the patient needs more information about the drug, he or she can ask the doctor or pharmacist;
In the process of using the patient, if you encounter any adverse effects on health, you should notify and seek advice from a doctor to resolve.
3.4 Drug interactions: Suprane when combined with other drugs or ingredients in food and drinks can cause some reactions. Therefore, patients should consult their doctor to avoid possible drug interactions.
3.5 Storage of drugs: Suprane should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius and out of reach of children and pets.
Above is important information about Suprane if you have any questions, please contact your doctor for further instructions to get the best treatment results.

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