Uses of Menelat

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Menelat belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, used to treat depressive disorders. Let's learn about Menelat drug information through the article below.

1. What is Menelat?

Menelat medicine is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, with the main ingredient being Mirtazapine 30mg and other excipients just enough for 1 tablet. Mirtazapine is a centrally active presynaptic a2-adrenergic antagonist that increases noradrenalin and serotonin-mediated neurotransmission. Serotonin-mediated enhancement of neurotransmission is via specific 5-HT1 receptors only, as 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptors are inhibited by mirtazapine. Since then Mirtazapine is believed to have antidepressant activity.
Mirtazapine is a moderate peripheral α-adrenergic antagonist, and orthostatic hypotension may occur when the drug is used in combination.
The histamine H1-receptor antagonist properties of mirtazapine are related to its sedative effects. The drug has almost no anticholinergic activity, with therapeutic doses having almost no effect on the cardiovascular system.

2. What diseases does Menelat treat?

The drug Menelat is used in the treatment of depressive disorders. The therapeutic effect can be maintained for up to 40 weeks after 8-12 weeks of taking the drug. When using the drug for a long time, it is necessary to periodically evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the drug in each patient.
Do not use Menelat in case people are sensitive to any of the ingredients in the drug.

3. Dosage and usage of Menelat

Dosage depends on the stage.
Starting dose: 15mg or 30mg x 1 time / day, or divided into 2 times / day, preferably in the evening before bed. Maintenance dose: 15mg - 45mg per day. The half-life of the drug is from 20 to 40 hours, it is not recommended to change the dose for about 1 - 2 weeks to assess the treatment response to a given dose. Treatment should be continued until the patient's symptoms are completely gone for 4-6 months, after which treatment can be stopped gradually. The full dose will improve the disease within 2-4 weeks, can be increased to the maximum dose if not responding to treatment. The drug should be discontinued if there is still no response within 2 to 4 weeks of active treatment. Dose adjustment should be considered when used for the elderly, patients with hepatic impairment, moderate and severe renal impairment. Since the efficacy and safety of Mirtazapine have not been established in children, treatment in this population is not recommended.

4. Menelat side effects

When using Menelat, you may experience some unwanted effects as follows:
Increase appetite and gain weight. During the first few weeks of treatment may cause drowsiness, sedation (reducing the dose usually does not reduce the sedative effect, but may reduce the effectiveness of treatment for depression). Postural hypotension, dizziness Manic episodes Convulsions, tremors, myoclonus Edema Acute bone marrow suppression: agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia. Rash When using Menela t, if the patient experiences any serious side effects, stop taking the drug and contact the treating doctor or immediately go to a medical facility for timely treatment.

5. Interactions with Menelat

When using Menelat at the same time can interact with some of the following drugs:
Mirtazapine can increase the CNS depressant effect of alcohol, so it is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking the drug. Mirtazapine should not be used in combination with MAO inhibitors or within 2 weeks of stopping treatment with these drugs. Caution should be exercised when used concomitantly with benzodiazepines because of the potential for increased sedation. A dose of 30 mg/day may cause a slight increase in INR when co-administered with the anticoagulant warfarin, so prothrombin time should be controlled when these two drugs are combined.

6. Notes and cautions when using Menelat

When using Menelat, it should be noted in the following cases:
Bone marrow suppression usually occurs after 4-6 weeks of treatment, manifested by a decrease or agranulocytosis and is usually reversible when the drug is stopped. (rarely). The drug should be discontinued if symptoms of fever, sore throat, jaundice, stomatitis or other infections develop. Children who are treated with antidepressants should be monitored for changes in clinical symptoms, abnormal signs of behavior, suicidal behavior, especially during the first few months of treatment. dose adjustment point. Prior to treatment with antidepressant medication, patients should be screened for risk factors for bipolar disorder such as family psychiatric history, bipolar disorder, suicidal behavior, and depression. . Mirtazapine is not suitable for the treatment of bipolar depression. Patients who combine other antidepressants with an MAOI or are not taking an antidepressant but are starting an MAOI should be informed of possible side effects such as hot flushes, nausea/vomiting, dizziness facial features, tremors, behavioral disturbances to epileptic manifestations, and other mental status changes ranging from agitation to coma. The drug should be discontinued gradually to reduce the risk of withdrawal symptoms. Use with caution in patients with impaired liver or kidney function, history of seizures, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke), hypovolemia, or concurrent use. use antihypertensive drugs. Be careful when operating machinery or vehicles because the drug has sedative effects, causing drowsiness, dizziness. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women, use only when carefully weighing the benefits and risks. In addition to the above information, if you have any questions about Menelat, you can contact your doctor for advice and answers.

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