Uses of Maninil

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Maninil is used in the treatment of non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetes. The drug has the active ingredient Glibenclamide with a concentration of 5mg in each tablet. Dosage, how to use Maninil will be in the article right below.

1. What is Maninil?

Maninil 5mg is classified in the group of Hormonal and hormonal drugs, drugs used in the treatment of Type II diabetes. Prepared in the form of tablets, in each Maninil tablet contains Glibenclamide 5mg, a bottle of 120 tablets and taken orally.

2. Uses of the drug Maninil

With the main active ingredient is Glibenclamide, a sulfonylurea anti-diabetic agent, Maninil has anti-hyperglycemic effect in people with Type 2 diabetes.
Regarding the effect of the drug, Glibenclamide is a sulfonylurea with the effect of increases the sensitivity of pancreatic beta cells to glucose, thereby increasing insulin release. Maninil's effects are largely dependent on beta-cell secretion. Glibenclamide may also increase insulin levels, by decreasing hepatic clearance of insulin.
The mechanism of action of Maninil in the treatment of diabetes is quite complicated. When administered to non-insulin dependent diabetics, glibenclamide increases the insulin release response in the pancreas. During the first months of treatment in diabetics, sulfonylureas increase insulin levels in the body. With long-term use, the blood insulin concentration will decrease to the level before the drug, but the plasma glucose concentration will rarely increase again.
Maninil pharmacokinetics
Maninil drug after oral administration will be well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. However, food and an increase in blood glucose can inhibit gastric motility, reducing drug absorption. According to recommendations from doctors and manufacturers, Maninil is best taken at 30 minutes before meals, this also ensures that the drug will help timely release insulin in the body to avoid hyperglycemia during meals. patient. Maninil 5mg is distributed and bound mainly to plasma proteins, especially albumin. Maninil contains the active ingredient Glibenclamide, which is completely metabolized in the liver by hydroxylation, which has a moderate hypoglycemic effect. Elimination of Maninil is mainly via the urine.
The drug is only used in people with type 2 diabetes who are not insulin dependent and cannot control their blood sugar with diet, weight loss or exercise.
Maninil is contraindicated in the following cases:
Maninil should not be used in the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1), high blood sugar with or without coma. Do not use Maninil in people with pancreatectomy, acidosis due to hyperglycemia Do not use Maninil in patients with severe hepatic or renal impairment Do not use in people who are allergic to Glibenclamide, Sulphonamide, sulphonamide-containing diuretics or probenecid, or allergies. reacts to any ingredient of Maninil listed on the ingredient label. Do not use Maninil in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

3. Dosage & how to take Maninil

Maninil medicine is made in the form of tablets, the patient takes the drug orally with a full glass of water. The time to take the drug is early in the morning and before breakfast with a standard starting dose, with a higher dose (2-6 tablets), which can be divided into different times of the day.
Standard starting dose: 2.5-5mg/day, taken once in the morning Maintenance dose: 5-10mg/day, can be divided into 2 doses morning - evening Maximum dose for people with diabetes Type 2 diabetes is 15mg/day, can be divided into morning - afternoon - evening.

4. Maninil side effects

Decreased blood glucose, reduced absorption of vitamin B12 Taste disturbances Visual disturbances may occur at the start of treatment due to a decrease in blood glucose. Rare: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, hypovolaemia. Gastrointestinal disturbances may appear as nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain and loss of appetite may be experienced. These effects are common during the first use of the drug Hepatobiliary disorders: abnormal liver function tests or hepatitis . When these side effects occur, treatment with Maninil should be discontinued. Skin disorders: pruritus, urticaria, maculopapular rash. In more severe cases, allergic skin or visceral vasculitis, erythema, exfoliative dermatitis, photosensitivity may occur.

5. Notes when using the drug Maninil

The timing of taking Maninil is quite important, because an increase in insulin secretion can cause a sudden attack of hypoglycemia. Therefore, it is necessary to take the drug before a meal full of carbohydrates. Hypoglycemia in patients can occur when using Maninil in excess, excessive dieting or intense exercise. Maninil medicine 5mg is a drug to treat Type 2 diabetes, used for subjects who cannot control blood sugar by diet and sports methods. With the main active ingredient is Glibenclamide 5mg, Maninil drug is used for patients under the prescription and supervision of a specialist.

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