Uses of Livolin H

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Livolin H is a drug with phospholipids as the main ingredient, belonging to the group of drugs known as cholestasis, dissolving gallstones and protecting the liver. This drug is not for use by pregnant women and must be used under the prescription of a doctor. So what disease does Livolin H treat?

1. What is Livolin H?

Livolin H is a herbal preparation consisting mainly of polyunsaturated phosphatidyl choline. This is a drug that helps protect and promote the regeneration of liver cells, maintaining liver function in cases of liver damage caused by viral hepatitis, liver disease caused by metabolic toxicity such as drug poisoning, liver infection. Fatty alcohol, diabetes, severe malnutrition,...
The drug is produced in the form of soft capsules. Each Livolin H tablet contains 300mg of phospholipids and excipients just enough.
Phospholipids have the effect of improving subjective symptoms such as loss of appetite, feeling of tightness in the right epigastrium due to poor nutrition and treatment of chronic hepatitis.
Livolin H is trusted by doctors in the following cases:
Protecting and promoting the regeneration of liver cells, maintaining liver function in cases of liver damage. Treatment of acute hepatitis, subacute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. Helps slow down and prevent steatohepatitis. Assist patients with pre- and post-operative care, especially in case of liver or gallbladder surgery. However, patients with a history of allergy to the drug or to any of its ingredients should not use this medicine.

2. How to use Livolin H?

Livolin H is made in tablet form, so it is used orally. Patients should take the drug with meals for the best effect.
Dosage for adults: Patients take 1800mg / day divided 2-3 times.
For children: Because the effect of the drug on this subject has not been fully studied. Therefore, Livolin H should not be used in children under 18 years of age.
Dosage of Livolin H above is for reference only. To ensure safety and effectiveness, patients should consult a doctor or medical professional.
If you forget a dose, use it as soon as you remember it. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled. Never take more than double the dose prescribed by your doctor.
Currently, no cases of Livolin H overdose have been reported. However, do not exceed the prescribed dose. Taking a larger dose of the drug also does not increase the effectiveness of the drug and can cause toxicity or more serious side effects.

3. Adverse effects encountered when using Livolin H

Livolin H is a relatively safe drug that rarely causes serious side effects. Occasionally, mild side effects such as nausea, diarrhea and increased salivation may be experienced.
When the patient experiences any of the above side effects or other unusual symptoms during the use of the drug, should stop taking the drug and notify the doctor for advice and instructions on how to overcome it.

4. Some notes when using Livolin H

Patients should carefully read the instructions for use of the drug before using. Absolutely do not use the medicine past the expiry date on the label. Patients should not take the drug when the tablet shows signs of color change. Patients should store Livolin H in a cool, dry place, avoid direct sunlight and keep it out of reach of children. Livolin H drug can interact with many other oral drugs, especially fat-soluble drugs such as vitamins A, D, E, K,... Livolin H drug does not affect the ability to drive and operate. machine. Patients with malabsorption should use caution when using the drug because it may increase the risk of diarrhea or fat in the stool. Currently, there is no complete information on the safety and effectiveness of this drug in pregnant and breast-feeding women. Therefore, should not arbitrarily use Livolin H for pregnant or lactating women. If it is necessary to use it, the patient should consult a doctor to weigh the benefits and risks. Livolin H is a drug that is now trusted by many doctors to treat hepatitis, protect and promote the regeneration of liver cells. Livolin H is relatively safe for people to use. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using to achieve the best treatment effect and limit interactions between drugs during use.

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