Uses of Glucoflam

Glucoflam drugs have very good effects in the treatment of pain, anti-inflammatory and osteoarthritis... Glucoflam drugs are only used when prescribed by a doctor, professional pharmacist. Therefore, before intending to use Glucoflam in treatment, patients should actively research carefully the drug information.

1. What is Glucoflam?

Glucoflam is in the group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and joint diseases.
The drug is prepared in the form of tablets, film-coated with the main ingredient being Glucosamine sulphate posstasium chloride, and excipients just enough. With the above ingredients and active ingredients, Glucoflam is very effective in the treatment of pain relief, anti-inflammatory, cartilage regeneration in arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and acute rheumatism. and chronic...

2. Dosage of Glucoflam

Glucoflam is made in the form of tablets that are easy to use and store. In each different subject, the dose of the drug will be changed, because this also depends on the health status and age of each patient.
Reference dosage of Glucoflam is as follows:
People with mild and moderate osteoarthritis syndrome: 2 tablets 2 times a day. Severe cases: Initial treatment within 8 weeks with 2 tablets 2 times / day for the first 2 weeks, then maintain 2 tablets 2 times / day for the next 6 weeks. Maintenance treatment dose: Within 3-4 months after: 2 tablets 2 times / day. Drink the medicine before the meal 15 minutes. The above dosage is for reference only. When using, patients need to adhere to the dose of the drug exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Do not arbitrarily increase, decrease or adjust the dose because this will affect the treatment process.

3. Who is Glucoflam contraindicated for?

Contraindication is understood as not taking the drug, some of the following cases are listed by the manufacturer as a contraindication to Glucoflam.
Do not use the drug for people with a history of allergies to seafood. People who are sensitive to any of the ingredients of Glucoflam should not take the medicine. People under 18 years old, strictly forbidden to use the drug. Pregnant and lactating women should not take the drug. Because with the ingredients and active ingredients in Glucoflam will partly cause negative reactions to the development of the fetus as well as the baby. In addition, for more contraindications, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and consult a doctor, pharmacist for more information.

4. Possible side effects with Glucoflam

According to the general assessment, Glucoflam is quite benign, safe and very rarely has side effects during use. However, with a few exceptions, there are patients who experience some mild reactions to the drug such as: Flatulence, diarrhea or nausea...
These side effects have been determined to be not very dangerous. and does not affect the patient's health. Therefore, the patient can continue to take the drug and should not be too worried. After a period of discontinuation of use, the above effects will gradually disappear.

5. What to do in case of missed dose and overdose of Glucoflam?

In order to achieve high efficiency in disease treatment, patients should take Glucoflam in the right amount and at the right dose as prescribed. When forgetting or overdosing occurs, it should be handled according to the following instructions:
Missed dose: Take the medicine as soon as you remember if it's not too long ago. In case the time for the missed dose is too long, it is almost time for the next dose, the patient should skip the missed dose and take the next dose as usual. Absolutely do not take a supplement. Overdose: When determining an overdose, you should immediately discuss with your doctor or pharmacist for advice on how to handle it. In addition, during this time, if the body shows any abnormal reactions, it is necessary to go to the nearest medical facility for timely examination. Because an overdose is a dangerous case, it can be life-threatening if not treated early. In the process of taking drugs to treat diseases, patients should minimize the case of missed doses, overdose, because if this happens often, it can make the treatment time longer and not achieve results. treatment as desired.
Hopefully, the above sharing will help users better understand the uses and ways to use the drug to get the best effect.

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