Uses of Chymotase

Chymotase drug is a prescription medicine containing the main active ingredient is Thymomodulin and other excipients in sufficient quantities. Chymotase is indicated to increase resistance, mainly in the treatment of viral or bacterial infections.

1. What is Chymotase?

Chymotase drug has a dosage form which is an oral solution. Packing is box of 20 tubes, each tube contains 10ml. The main active ingredient is Thymomodulin with a content of 60mg and excipients just enough for 1 tube.
The main active ingredient of the product is the drug Thymomodulin. This is a very special drug, with the effect of increasing the number of white blood cells in the blood. More importantly, it also helps to increase a large number of T lymphocytes in the blood. Therefore, the main active ingredient is to help strengthen the body's immune system. Chymotase drug is used to support the treatment of viral infections, respiratory infections, bacteria or, specifically, hepatitis.

2. What is Chymotase used for?

Chymotase drug is used in:
Support treatment for people who are suffering from bacterial and viral infections such as respiratory infections or hepatitis. Support treatment for people experiencing primary and secondary leukopenia, leukopenia caused by drug toxicity in bone marrow. Support treatment for people with weakened immune systems. Indicated for the treatment of people who have lost the ligaments in the vitreous.

3. Usage and dosage of the drug Chymotase

3.1. How to take the medicine You need to use the medicine as prescribed by the treating doctor and the consulting pharmacist, and carefully read the information on the instruction sheet. In particular, you must not arbitrarily adjust the treatment dose or prolong the time of taking the drug compared to the recommended amount. Take Chymotase medicine directly through the ampoule without mixing. The effect of this medicine is not affected by food, you can take this medicine with or without a meal. However, the drug should be taken with food to reduce the risk of stomach irritation. You should take the tablet whole with a full glass of water. Do not use Chymotase when detecting that the drug is denatured, discolored, or has an expired taste. Do not attempt to take Chymotase when abnormalities are detected. 3.2. Dosage Support for the prevention of recurrence of respiratory infections in children and adults: Oral medicine 120mg/day, using the drug for a period of 4 to 6 months. Allergic rhinitis: Oral medicine 120mg / day, using the drug for a period of 4 months. Support for the prevention of food allergy recurrence: Oral medication 120mg/day, using the drug for a period of 3 to 6 months. Support to improve clinical signs and symptoms for people with HIV/AIDS immunodeficiency syndrome: Take the drug 60mg/day, use the drug for 50 days. Support to strengthen the weakened immune system in the elderly: Oral medicine 160 mg / day, use the drug for 6 weeks.

4. In case of forgetting or overdose of medicine

In case of overdose: Overdosing on the drug can cause unforeseen adverse reactions, such as shock, vomiting, difficulty breathing, cardiovascular collapse ....The treatment in case of overdose is to give People who overdose on drugs should see a doctor or immediately go to the nearest medical facility for emergency treatment. When you go, you need to bring a list of medicines used. The treating doctor can intervene measures such as gastric lavage, induce vomiting, activated charcoal ... to provide emergency support to improve the condition of the person who has overdosed immediately.
In case of missed dose: Patients need to use Chymotase in full dose and amount as directed. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time to take the next dose, skip the missed dose, and absolutely do not take twice the prescribed dose to make up for it.

5. Undesirable effects of the drug Chymotase

Besides the effects of the drug, when treated with Chymotase, patients may also experience some unwanted effects:
Undesirable effects when using Chymotase, common are:
Occurrence erythema multiforme, urticaria. Profuse sweat, cold body. Dizziness, fatigue, dizziness and tinnitus. Loss of coordination, loss of control. Undesirable effects when taking Chymotase drugs are serious:
Convulsions; Dehydration; Faint; Continuous cough. In the process of using the drug, if you see the undesirable effects mentioned above or any unusual symptoms, you should go to the nearest medical center to receive the advice of the doctor. treating doctors, and medical staff.

6. Interactions of drugs Chymotase

During the use of Chymotase drugs, there may be competition or interactions between Chymotase drugs with food or other drugs and functional foods, causing effects on bioavailability and absorption of feces. distribution, the rate of metabolism of drugs such as:
Chemotherapy reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Short-chain peptides and protein derivatives increase the therapeutic effect when used in people undergoing cancer treatment. During treatment, you need to minimize the foods or drinks that contain alcohol or stimulants. You should list all the treatment drugs, vitamins, herbs, supplements or functional foods you are using recently so that the treating doctor can know and advise correctly to avoid possible adverse drug interactions.

7. Some notes when using the drug Chymotase

7.1. Notes and cautions when using Chymotase: Patients using Chymotase should pay attention to the following cases:
The drug should be used with caution in people with endocrine disorders. Women who are on their menstrual cycle should not be treated with this medicine. Note that the drug is for oral use only, not for injection. In the process of using Chymotase, you need to follow your doctor's instructions, do not arbitrarily adjust the therapeutic dose of the drug to achieve your own desires. Keep out of reach of children, avoid unwanted incidents when children accidentally drink. You should not stop taking the medicine on your own, but consult your doctor. For women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, caution should be exercised when using Chymotase. These subjects only use it when absolutely necessary and need to be prescribed by a doctor, carefully weighing the benefits and possible risks during treatment with this drug. Recommendations for drivers, use machines: There are no reports on the effect of Chymotase on the ability to drive or use machines. 7.2. How to store the medicine Store Chymotase at room temperature, in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or intense light. Do not leave Chymotase medicine in places with high humidity, easy to infect bacteria. Carefully check the expiry date of the medicine before using it. You need to pay attention to the appearance of the drug Chymotase, if you see abnormal signs such as mold, discoloration, watery, deformed, you should throw it away, absolutely do not use it again. Chymotase is a prescription medicine containing the main active ingredient is Thymomodulin and other excipients in sufficient quantities. Chymotase is indicated to increase resistance, mainly in the treatment of viral or bacterial infections. To ensure effectiveness and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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