Uses of Belafcap

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Belafcap drug ingredients include Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Selenium and Vitamin E. This product has uses such as supplementing nutrients, reducing stress, and slowing down the aging process and boosting immunity for users. . So what should be noted when using Belafcap?

1. What is Belafcap?

Belafcap is a product of Phil Inter Pharma Co., Ltd., which prepares and manufactures capsules for oral use with packing specifications of 10 blisters each, 10 tablets each.
Ingredients and content of active ingredients in Belafcap include:
Vitamin C content 500mg; Vitamin E content 400IU; Suspension 30% Beta Carotene content 50mg (equivalent to 15mg Beta Carotene); Dry yeast containing elemental selenium: 33.3mg (equivalent to 50μg selenium); Some excipients are just enough in one pill.

2. What are the effects of Belafcap?

The effect of Belafcap is the synthesis of the main active ingredients in the drug, specifically as follows:
Vitamin C: This vitamin is known to many people for its ability to participate in the process of creating collagen and tissues. bonding in teeth, bones or blood vessels. Vitamin C is an antioxidant through neutralizing free radicals generated by metabolic reactions in the body. In addition, Vitamin C in Belafcap also brings anti-stress ability and stimulates the body's resistance; Vitamin E: This is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, has the effect of slowing down the aging process and enhancing the body's immune function; Selenium is an essential mineral for many processes, but the human body cannot produce it on its own, so it must be obtained from food or medicine. Selenium has a strong antioxidant capacity, and at the same time supports Vitamin C's recovery after being oxidized; Beta Carotene is the final ingredient in Belafcap, a precursor of Vitamin A, which when supplemented will provide necessary materials for the body, especially the brain and eyes. In addition, Beta Carotene also has a good antioxidant effect.

3. Indications and contraindications of Belafcap

Belafcap is indicated for use in the following cases:
People who need to supplement antioxidants and slow down the aging process; People who need to strengthen the body's immunity and resistance; Athletes need to strengthen their physical strength; Students need to increase concentration to study or take exams; People with stress, stress; Newly recovered people need nutritional supplements to quickly recover; Prevention and treatment of diseases related to the eyes, central nervous system, cardiovascular disease or cancer. Besides, Belafcap is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Selenium, Vitamin E and other ingredients contained in Belafcap; Diseases of excess vitamin A; People with congenital G6PD deficiency; People with kidney stones or oxalate metabolism disorders; Thalassemia patients should not use Belafcap.

4. Instructions for using Belafcap

Belafcap is a capsule for oral use. The patient should swallow the tablet whole, do not chew or crush it. The most appropriate time to use Belafcap is after meals.
Belafcap dosage is 1 tablet per day, for 4-6 weeks.
Missed dose of Belafcap and how to handle it:
Patients should take it as soon as they remember; However, if it is almost time for the next dose to be remembered, skip the missed dose of Belafcap and take the next dose as directed; Absolutely do not take 2 Belafcap tablets at the same time. Belafcap overdose and treatment:
Using Beta Carotene at too high a dose will lead to accumulation in the body. The side effect caused by taking too much Beta Carotene is called “carotenemia”, although it is not harmful, users will experience symptoms of skin turning yellowish and disappearing when stopping use; High doses of selenium can lead to hair loss, unusually thick nails, diarrhea, dermatitis, metallic taste in the mouth, garlic breath, mood swings and fatigue; Vitamin E when supplemented with too high a dose (>1200IU per day) can cause some adverse effects such as loose diarrhea, abdominal pain, digestive disorders, fatigue or dizziness; Vitamin C: Symptoms of an overdose of this vitamin include kidney stone formation, nausea, gastritis and diarrhea; Users who use Belafcap and have the above symptoms should immediately call a doctor or quickly go to the nearest hospital for timely treatment.

5. Undesirable effects of the drug Belafcap

Patients using Belafcap may experience the following side effects:
Nausea, vomiting; Belafcap causes diarrhea. If experiencing the above symptoms, patients should stop using Belafcap to improve symptoms.

6. Belafcap drug interactions

Some drug interactions when using Belafcap need attention as follows:
Combining Belafcap with iron supplements will reduce the absorption of vitamin E; Vitamin K may be reduced when used concurrently with products containing high doses of Vitamin E such as Belafcap; Cholestyramine, liquid paraffin reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E... when used concurrently. To ensure safety and effectiveness during the use of Belafcap, the patient should inform the doctor about all the drugs or health protection preparations being used in addition to the history of previous medical conditions.

7. Some notes when using Belafcap

Belafcap should be used with caution in the following subjects:
People who are using other preparations with similar ingredients; Women who are pregnant or have a high chance of becoming pregnant; Nursing mothers should use Belafcap with caution. Some issues to note when using Belafcap:
Patients need to follow the instructions for dosage and usage as recommended by the manufacturer and the doctor; Long-term use of high doses of vitamin C can lead to drug resistance, when reducing the dose will lead to vitamin C deficiency; Increased oxaluria may occur after taking high doses of vitamin C; There was an increase in mortality in cases where beta-carotene preparations were used alone or in combination. Using Belafcap on pregnant women and nursing mothers:
Pregnant women: The daily dose of vitamin A should not exceed 8000IU, otherwise it will lead to birth defects. In addition, pregnant women taking high doses of vitamin C (3g/day) can cause scurvy in babies. The use of any medication while pregnant (including Belafcap ) requires consulting your doctor first; Breastfeeding mothers: There are no complete reports on the use of Belafcap in this population. To ensure the safety of breastfeeding, mothers only use Belafcap under the guidance of a doctor. Belafcap drug storage conditions:
Stored in a cool, dry place, avoiding direct sunlight; The appropriate storage temperature for Belafcap is from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius; Like other drugs, Belafcap needs to be kept out of reach of children. Belafcap is a product of Phil Inter Pharma Co., Ltd., which prepares and produces capsules for oral use with packing specifications of 10 blisters each, 10 tablets each. The drug has the effect of supplementing nutrients, reducing stress, and slowing down the aging process and enhancing immunity for users. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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