Uses of Befucid

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Befucid is a topical cream used in cases of dermatitis, skin inflammation accompanied by bacterial superinfection. Although the drug is used topically, if used incorrectly, it also brings unwanted effects. Let's learn about the uses and uses of the drug through the article below.

1. What is Befucid?

Befucid drug is a topical cream, made in tube form, each tube has 15 grams of medicine. In each 15g cream contains fusidic acid 300mg; Betamethasone (as Betamethasone valerat) 15 mg and excipients just enough.
Effects of two main active ingredients in the drug:
Fusidic acid is a topical antibacterial drug for topical use, with the main active ingredient being fusidic acid with a steroid structure, belonging to the group of fusinadines. Fusidic acid has a bactericidal effect mainly on pathogens that commonly cause skin infections. Fusidic acid has antibacterial activity against most Gram-positive bacteria, especially Staphylococcus, including strains resistant to penicillinase. Betamethasone is a synthetic derivative of prednisolone with potent anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and antiallergic properties, used in the treatment of corticosteroid-responsive disorders. Topical drugs with anti-inflammatory effects reduce itching, but when used in high doses can be absorbed into the bloodstream causing systemic effects, high doses can cause suppression of the immune system.

2. Uses of the drug Befucid

Befucid is indicated for use in the following cases:
Skin diseases caused by inflammatory reactions or possible bacterial infections. Inflammatory skin diseases include focal eczema, stasis eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, chronic lichen planus, psoriasis, and discoid lupus. The drug can also be used in cases of contact dermatitis caused by insects. Contraindications:
Befucid is not used in the following cases:
Patients with known hypersensitivity to fusidic acid, sodium fusidate, betamethasone valerate or to any of the excipients. Because of the corticosteroid ingredient, Befucid topical cream is contraindicated in the following cases: Skin infections initiated by tuberculosis, fungi or viruses (such as herpes or chickenpox), skin diseases associated with syphilis, peritonitis mouth and rosacea.

3. Usage and dosage of Befucid

How to use: The drug is used externally, applied on the skin.
Clean hands and damaged skin. Use your hands to apply a thin layer of medication to the area to be treated. Close the lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place, the storage temperature is below 30 degrees Celsius, out of the reach of children. Avoid contamination of the tube. Do not apply too much medicine because it can cause systemic effects, do not put the medicine in the eyes, you need to wash your face with clean water and monitor, if there is any abnormality, you should go to the hospital to check. A course of treatment with this drug should not last more than 2 weeks. Dosage:
For open lesions: Apply 2-3 times/day. Wounds are covered with bandages: You should apply less than 1-2 times. Because when covered with a bandage, the ability of the drug to be absorbed and circulated is higher.

4. Possible side effects when taking Befucid

As with other medicines, when using Befucid cream you can also experience unwanted effects, including:
The most common adverse effect reported in the study was irritation at the skin. place of use. Allergic reactions have also been reported: Based on clinical data, approximately 3% of patients have experienced undesirable reactions such as transient skin irritation, stinging and burning, redness and itching. Long-term use of high doses can cause side effects of corticosteroids such as striated skin, appearance of many lymph follicles, hirsutism, perioral inflammation, allergic contact dermatitis, loss of skin pigmentation, systemic activity. such as glaucoma and adrenocorticoid blockers. You may also experience other side effects while taking the medicine. You need to inform your doctor about unwanted effects when using the drug.

5. Things to note when taking Befucid

Before taking Befucid, you should inform your doctor about your allergy and medical history.
Long-term treatment with corticosteroids should be avoided, especially in infants and children. Suppression of adrenocortical activity can occur even with prolonged and high doses.
Skin atrophy may occur in the face and milder in other parts of the body after prolonged treatment with topical corticosteroids.
Be careful when applying the medicine near the eyes because there is a possibility of glaucoma if the medicine penetrates into the eye.
Resistance of bacteria has been reported with the use of fusidic acid. As with all antibiotics, prolonged or repeated use can increase the risk of resistance. Therefore, it should be used with caution and not regularly.
Use caution when using the drug on a large area of ​​the body and face. Avoid using the drug on open wounds and mucous membranes.
The cream contains as an excipient cetostearyl alcohol which may cause local skin reactions (such as contact dermatitis) and the drug also contains chlorocresol which may cause allergic reactions.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: The safety of using the cream in pregnancy and lactation has not been established.
Do not use the medicine when it has expired or shows signs of damage.
Befucid is a drug for external use and is used under the direction of a doctor, do not arbitrarily use the drug without being prescribed. If you have any questions about Befucid, consult your pharmacist and doctor.

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