The use of medicine Atilude 250mg

Carbocysteine ​​is an active ingredient that thins viscous sputum or respiratory secretions. This active ingredient is in the drug Atilude. So how is Atilude indicated and what should patients pay attention to when using?

1. What is drug Atilude?

Atilude drug is a product of An Thien Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, produced in the form of an oral solution with a box of 30 packs of Atilude medicine with a volume of 5ml.
In each pack of Atilude 5ml, there are the following ingredients:
Main active ingredients: Carbocysteine ​​250mg; Some excipients just enough 5ml.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Atilude 250mg/5ml

The active ingredient Carbocisteine ​​in Atilude 250mg/5ml is used to reduce the viscosity of thick secretions secreted by the respiratory tract by many different mechanisms such as:
Carbocysteine ​​acts on mucus-producing cells, thereby supporting aids secretion so that mucus is thinner and less sticky; In the case where thick sputum has been formed, Atilude has effects to change the physico-chemical properties, so that the sputum is looser and easier to be eliminated through the cough mechanism. Indications of the drug Atilude 250mg / 5ml mainly support to dissolve sputum and reduce cough for the following cases:
Acute and chronic bronchitis; Asthma ; Bronchiectasis or emphysema. In contrast, the drug Atilude 250mg/5ml is not suitable for use in the following cases (contraindications):
Hypersensitivity to Carbocysteine ​​and any of the excipients contained in the Atilude package; Atilude is contraindicated in patients with active peptic ulcer. Patients should carefully read the information on the composition, indications and contraindications of Atilude and strictly follow those indications to avoid possible unwanted side effects.

3. Instructions for using Atilude 250mg/5ml

Patients need to carefully read all accompanying drug instructions or discuss with their doctor before starting Atilude 250mg / 5ml for the best treatment effect and limit the risk of side effects. unwanted side effects.
Atilude products are prepared in the form of oral solutions before or after meals.
Dosage of the drug Atilude 250mg specifically as follows:
Take 3-4 times a day according to the dose prescribed by the doctor; Children from 2-5 years old: Each time take 1⁄2 packets of Atilude 250mg /5ml; Children 6-12 years old: Each time take 1 pack of Atilude 250mg / 5ml. How to handle a missed dose of Atilude: The patient should take the missed dose of Atilude as soon as he remembers it. However, skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose of Atilude. Absolutely do not double the dose of Atilude 250mg prescribed by the doctor.
Overdose drug Atilude and treatment:
Symptoms of AtiLide overdose are mainly digestive disorders; If you accidentally take Atilude in excess of the recommended dose and have serious side effects, you should immediately go to the hospital for timely treatment.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Atilude

During the use of Atilude 250mg / 5ml, patients sometimes appear some adverse effects such as digestive disorders, diarrhea, nausea, headache, sometimes causing gastrointestinal bleeding or external rash skin.
If you notice any unwanted effects related to Atilude medicine, please notify your doctor or pharmacist immediately for instructions on how to handle it in time.

5. Atilude Drug Interactions

Some adverse interactions that patients need to be cautious about when using other preparations together with Atilude 250mg / 5ml, include:
Atilude increases the absorption of antibiotic Amoxicillin (Sodium salt form) when used in combination; Cimetidine reduces the excretion of Carbocistein sulfoxide in the urine, so it should be used with caution in combination with Atilude. In order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment, patients should inform their doctor about all medicines, health foods they are taking and other diseases they are having before starting to take Atilude 250mg / 5ml.

6. Some notes when using Atilude and how to preserve

It is not known whether Carbocysteine ​​affects the fetus and nursing infant, so caution should be taken when prescribing Atilude 250mg for this subject and should consult with a doctor.
Atilude medicine 250mg / 5ml does not affect the ability to drive and use machines, so it can be used in these subjects.
Caution should be exercised when using Atilude in patients with a history of peptic ulcer, especially contraindicated when peptic ulcer is progressing.
Storage conditions for Atilude 250mg:
Store AtiLud at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius; Atilude drug storage place should be protected from sunlight and out of sight and reach of children; Do not use Atilude after the expiry date printed on the package. Atilude has the main active ingredient, Carbocysteine, 250mg. The drug has the effect of reducing cough, dissolving phlegm, so it is prescribed by doctors to treat some respiratory diseases. To ensure effective use, users need to carefully read the instructions, and consult a doctor and professional pharmacist.
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