What should be eaten to supplement zinc for children?

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Zinc is important for a child's growth and development, but the body does not make it on its own. Therefore, mothers should supplement zinc for their children through their daily diet. So what to eat to supplement zinc for children? Here are some foods rich in zinc to increase absorption for children that should be included in your child's daily menu.

1. Oysters - Seafood contains abundant zinc

Oysters are one of the top seafood in the list of foods rich in zinc, but low in calories. Specifically, 6 oysters contain nutritional ingredients including: Zinc 32 mg, iron 42 grams, protein, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals,... A serving with 100 grams of oysters is enough. Zinc supplements for children who are lazy to eat more than 75% of their daily needs.
For this food to keep the full sweetness, you should cook porridge or bake it.

2. Meat - Food with a lot of zinc

Beef is a popular food in Vietnam, loved by everyone and can be processed in many different ways. However, not many people know that beef also contains a lot of zinc. For example, 100 grams of cooked beef already contains up to 12.3 mg of zinc. In addition to zinc, beef also includes a large amount of protein and vitamin B12, which helps blood cells and the nervous system function at its best. Beef contains zinc, which increases absorption for children, helps children eat better, and improves their baby's taste. However, you should not eat this red meat too much in a week to avoid cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
In addition to beef, lean pork or chicken is also an ideal dish that should be included in the menu of lazy children. This is because 100 grams of processed lean pork provide up to 5 mg of zinc; Meanwhile, chicken contains a high source of nutrients, notably zinc. For example, 85 grams of chicken thigh meat contains 3.8 mg of this mineral.
The above ingredients are easy to buy and can be processed in a variety of ways, such as beef stir-fried with onions, or stewed chicken with sweet and sour ribs, etc. So to supplement zinc for lazy children, To overcome picky eating, regain appetite in children, mothers should take advantage of this nutritious food source.

Thịt bò là món ăn giàu kẽm tăng hấp thu cho trẻ lười ăn
Thịt bò là món ăn giàu kẽm tăng hấp thu cho trẻ lười ăn

3. Crustaceans are rich in the mineral zinc

In addition to oysters, crabs, shrimps, scallops, mussels... are also typical seafood rich in zinc nutrients. Example: One blue sea crab contains more than 4.6 mg of zinc. Not only zinc, crab meat also includes protein and other vitamins. Crab meat is rich in nutrients that help children's heart and muscles work at their best.
The way to process this ingredient is also very simple, mom can show off her talent with crab soup, steamed crab,... With eye-catching and outstanding colors will help children get more excited while eating. However, the amount of zinc in crustaceans is very large, so parents need to pay attention to only feeding their children appropriate diets to supplement zinc for lazy children safely and effectively.

4. Beans, seeds rich in nutrients for babies

Legumes are not a bad idea to have in the menu of anorexic children. Legumes are rich in fiber, iron and zinc. The types of red beans, black beans, green beans, white beans, ... also have outstanding colors, help stimulate children's vision, children eat better.
Nuts such as pumpkin seeds, millet seeds, cashews, chia seeds, peanuts, ... are also one of the foods rich in zinc. At the top of the list are cashews. With an abundance of zinc, just 100g of cashew nuts has 5.6 mg or 37% zinc. Other nuts also contain large amounts of zinc, including pine nuts (12% DV), 0.9mg per 31.1g almonds, pecans (9% DV), peanuts and walnuts (6% DV). and chestnuts (5% DV),... these nuts can be given to the baby with yogurt or as a snack.

5. Cereals rich in zinc nutritional value

The use of cereals is not new to women, but did you know that cereal is the 6th food in the list of zinc supplements for lazy children. The amount of zinc contained in 100 grams of cereal is 52mg; 62g of oats contains about 0.9 mg of zinc; Similarly, 62g of brown rice will have 0.6 mg of zinc. You can also use the most zinc-rich wheat germ to make soups or breads to supplement zinc for children who are lazy to eat breakfast.

Các loại ngũ cốc ăn dặm giúp bổ sung kẽm tăng hấp thu cho trẻ
Các loại ngũ cốc ăn dặm giúp bổ sung kẽm tăng hấp thu cho trẻ

6. Vegetables are foods rich in zinc to increase absorption for children

Vegetables are a familiar food, always in every family meal. But not everyone knows that vegetables contain abundant zinc content. Certain vegetables such as mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, peas, spinach, asparagus and garlic are rich in zinc as well as vitamins and minerals. In 125g of vegetables of all kinds such as mushrooms, asparagus... contain about 0.5mg of zinc. In addition, corn also provides up to 0.7mg and potatoes or pumpkins also contain 0.6mg of this nutrient. These will be important food sources to supplement zinc for children who are lazy to eat but do not contain too many calories.
Fruit is also a food that contains a rich amount of zinc. In particular, at the top of the list recommended by experts is pomegranate with a content of 3 mg of zinc / fruit. Avocados are equally nutritious with 1.3 mg of zinc per fruit. According to the tastes of young children, avocado is also considered a "superfood" during the weaning period.
Above are the foods that help answer the question of what to eat to supplement zinc for children, contributing to enriching your mother's handbook in raising lazy children. Parents need to have a clear and scientific menu to supplement zinc to increase absorption for children.
Besides, the baby should also be supplemented with necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste , eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, enhance resistance to less sickness as well as less digestive problems.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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