9 ways to deal with your child's picky eating

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Picky eating in children is a common stage of childhood for a number of reasons. Some babies simply need more time to adjust to new textures and flavors, while others are trying to assert their independence. Try some of these strategies to reduce conflict during mealtime.

1. How to deal with picky eaters?

In theory, introducing solid foods to your baby is pretty straightforward. This manifests in the relatively easy preparation of each food, which can be offered to the baby for several days in a row and gradually introduced new foods over a few days.
Everything is new feels exciting, even seems easy for some parents. Parents also find that “baby can eat everything” and parents need to learn and read guidelines on what foods to give to their children or seek professional advice. to help develop rations for children. Either way, you can be sure that you can meet all of your child's nutritional needs at any given time.
But what if the child refuses to eat what you did? What if they start rejecting the food they seemed to love only yesterday. What if they just want a food you told yourself you wouldn't give them? How long will you try to maintain this situation before you have to give in to the child?
Whether your child is a picky eater from the start or has become a long time after being introduced to solid foods, you should know that there are ways to make sure your child eats a variety of healthy and nutritious foods .
This doesn't mean kids will never eat "junk food". But it does mean that you can reduce those low-nutrient foods and gradually increase the number and variety of nutritious foods. The important thing to remember when dealing with a picky eater is that it's completely normal and a majority of children go through a "picky eater" phase. It is important to stay calm and gradually improve the condition.
Studies show that children eat better when they eat with the family. Serve yourself and your child at the same meal. Let your kids see you enjoying all the healthy treats on your plate. And the worst thing is to never force a child to try something or clear his plate or punish him if he doesn't. This will only make mealtime more stressful. As your kids get a little older, you might consider implementing the "one bite polite" rule for the whole family, but not at this stage.

Kén ăn ở trẻ là một giai đoạn phổ biến của thời thơ ấu vì một số lý do
Kén ăn ở trẻ là một giai đoạn phổ biến của thời thơ ấu vì một số lý do

2. 9 ways to deal with your child's picky eating

2.1. Empathy First thing first, you need to try to never get discouraged and give up. So, when your child refuses to eat broccoli but eats a plate of pasta, calm down and find a way to talk to your child so you can help him understand why he should eat those two foods at the same time.
Children will always monitor your mood. If you are frustrated, chances are your child will feel the same way. It can be all too easy to lose patience and try to stuff a puree into your baby's mouth as soon as you get the chance. But imagine if you do that, you will inadvertently put a lot of pressure on the child and make the child resistant to those actions.
In this case, respecting the child's opinion can make the child more open to eating and also help the child try harder at each meal.
2.2. Keep trying Research has shown that babies can tolerate 8 to 15 servings of the same food. And it can take more for bitter or sour foods than for sweet or salty foods. The trick is to give your child foods he doesn't like with foods he likes. Even if they just take a bite of the food they don't like and stick to the foods they already like, this is progress. You have suggested, the child has tried and you can do it again the next day.
2.3. Do not try the same food more than once in the same day If the child refuses to eat the beans, as a rule we should not leave them out of the meal. Mealtimes should never be turned into a power struggle, because you may end up losing as your child is more likely to refuse, making it even more difficult the next time around. If you use the same food several times in the same day, your child will notice that the food is nothing special. Sometimes it's easier for a child to accept that and reuse the food.

Nếu bạn sử dụng một loại thực phẩm nhiều lần trong cùng một ngày, thì trẻ sẽ nhận thấy rằng món ăn đó không có gì đặc biệt
Nếu bạn sử dụng một loại thực phẩm nhiều lần trong cùng một ngày, thì trẻ sẽ nhận thấy rằng món ăn đó không có gì đặc biệt
2.4. Give your kids a chance to prepare meals with you Letting your kids watch (or help if they're old enough) the cooking process can work wonders. Get something like a learning tower for your kitchen to get your kids involved and you'll be amazed at what they'll eat when they see it being prepared. As an added bonus, you won't have to let your toddler hang from his feet while you're trying to prepare food for them. It can be especially helpful to let them sample food while you're making it!
2.5. Let your baby play with food During the growing baby, everything is a science experiment. If your child spends more time figuring out food with their hands than eating, let them do it. Because, maybe one day, children will eat more.
2.6. Make sure they're hungry Obviously you shouldn't dictate your child's food choices. But when children have a natural feeling of hunger, they will easily choose certain meals. So use it to your advantage if you're trying to get your child to accept a certain food.
To do this, you can give your child a smaller snack than usual so that he will feel a little more hungry at dinner. And then, you can bring out the dishes the child didn't want last time.
2.7. Setting a good example “Do as I say, not as I do” is not a strategy that is appropriate for developing children. Children learn by observation, so if you refuse to eat your greens, chances are you won't be able to convince your child to eat them. So, set an example by eating healthy foods in front of your kids to build healthier habits.
2.8. Change Your child may hate solid cauliflower, but will he or she also eat it pureed? Then you have a pretty good solution to get all the nutrients your baby needs. You can serve your child this way in his entire diet and it can be a lot of fun for him. Or you can combine several ingredients into a smoothie.
Experimenting with a number of different forms can help children get used to different flavors without trying to fight them over their decision to try a new food or a food they don't like first there.

Thử nghiệm với một số hình thức khác nhau có thể giúp trẻ quen với các hương vị khác nhau
Thử nghiệm với một số hình thức khác nhau có thể giúp trẻ quen với các hương vị khác nhau
2.9. Make Good Choices for Children Sometimes the most important thing is to allow children to make their own choices according to their own preferences. And if those choices are between asparagus and chips, you'll have plenty of leftover asparagus. So, making some healthy choices, and even if your child doesn't eat everything, at least helps them get some of the nutrients in foods that work for health. Just start with small parts for children to get used to.
To improve picky eating in children, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their needs. nutritional requirements in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and help children eat more deliciously. Parents can also apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption by the baby. The most important thing is that the improvement of the baby's symptoms must take place over the long term. The combination of many types of functional foods at the same time or continuously changing many types in a short time can cause the baby's digestive system not to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really persistent with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
Article referenced source: babycenter.com
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