Teach your child how to behave in a restaurant

Quality of life has been improved, parties in restaurants with friends and relatives have become more popular. But many people will be worried when bringing their children to a restaurant. The best way to overcome this is to teach children eating skills and restaurant manners.
Raising children is a long process from birth to adulthood. In addition to providing children with food, drink, and clothes to wear, parents also need to teach children life skills. And in today's economic and social conditions, parties at restaurants with friends and relatives become more popular, so teaching children eating skills and manners in restaurants is extremely important. important. This will save you from awkward situations and may even embarrass you in front of friends and guests.

1. Teach children eating skills and let them practice at home

You need to pay attention to the age of the child to consider how to guide the child before taking him to a completely unfamiliar place. You should also let your child practice skills and manners at home first, so that he won't be surprised.
Children need time to seriously practice important behavior lessons. At family dinners, you teach your child eating skills and can let him play scenes like eating in a restaurant for him to practice. This can take quite a while and you need to be patient to guide until the child is mature. You can then take your child to a regular meal at a restaurant with only your family. This will help them learn good restaurant etiquette. Now you can be completely confident when taking your children to parties at luxury restaurants with friends and relatives.
Bạn cần lưu ý độ tuổi của trẻ để cân nhắc cách hướng dẫn trẻ trước khi đưa trẻ đến một nơi hoàn toàn xa lạ.
Bạn cần lưu ý độ tuổi của trẻ để cân nhắc cách hướng dẫn trẻ trước khi đưa trẻ đến một nơi hoàn toàn xa lạ.

2. Actively teach children good manners

Teaching and practicing good manners is the key to getting good behavior from the kids in the restaurant. Because no child is born knowing life skills and good manners, children need to be taught these things by adults.
Take the time to teach your child to sit at the table with you, try to eat at least one piece of every dish on the table, and don't let your child throw a tantrum when he doesn't like something. Teach your child eating skills that even if he doesn't want to eat, he can sit with you and talk and ask politely about his favorite foods.

3. Tell your child about where you are going and explain your expectations in advance

Telling your child in advance where he's going and what you'll eat (if you have a choice in advance) and how you expect him to behave is key to creating a delicious meal.
Tell your child in detail what you expect from him, including:
Sit upright in a chair. Place napkins in your lap to prevent food from falling on your clothes. Use spoons, chopsticks, forks and knives. Do not put too much food in your mouth. Close your mouth when chewing to avoid making impolite sounds when eating. Tell your child that people don't like loud noises when they're eating. But don't be surprised if you have to remind your child of this at mealtimes. Just do it gently and tactfully. Do not be rude, rude to the guests and the waiter. Children need to know how to politely say "Please...", "Thank you...",... Most of these things you have already taught your child to practice at home, but you ask him to do one stricter way for the benefit of other diners.
Dạy và thực hành cách cư xử tốt là chìa khóa để có được hành vi tốt từ những đứa trẻ trong nhà hàng.
Dạy và thực hành cách cư xử tốt là chìa khóa để có được hành vi tốt từ những đứa trẻ trong nhà hàng.

4. Choose the right restaurant for your family

You will have a much happier meal if you choose a restaurant that is appropriate for your child's age and maturity level. If your kids are under 4, or active kids in general, you'll probably want to go to family-style restaurants with large spaces, kids menus, and lenient wait staff.
Older children may be better able to behave, but unless the child is calm and seated. You'll want to keep your child away from wine glasses, water glasses, and napkins until he's 10 years old. Otherwise your evening will be more about worrying about what the guests are thinking than enjoying the food.

5. Provide breaks for children

It is difficult for young children to wait for food for a long time, about 45 minutes is the maximum time a child under 5 years old can sit still. Therefore, parents need to prepare snacks or toys for children, find ways to keep children active.
It's a good idea to take your child for a walk outside, especially when you're waiting for service, to give them the break they need before sitting down to a serious meal. You should bring toys or books for children to play with during the waiting period. Not only that, you should also prepare and bring a snack to entice your child while waiting for the food.
Cha mẹ nên chuẩn bị đồ ăn nhẹ hoặc đồ chơi cho trẻ, tìm cách để cho trẻ hoạt động
Cha mẹ nên chuẩn bị đồ ăn nhẹ hoặc đồ chơi cho trẻ, tìm cách để cho trẻ hoạt động

6. If you still fail, leave

You need to try not to get angry if, after all your preparation, the child is still disruptive. If the meal is for you alone, ask the restaurant to pack the food, pay for it, and then take the food home or to a nearby park where the kids can run around.
By age 4, many children can:
Sit for up to 45 minutes in a restaurant if they have crayons and paper or other quiet toys to entertain them. Eat politely at affordable restaurants, with advance preparation and reminders from parents during meals. By the age of 8, many children can:
Sit for an hour or more in a restaurant. Eat politely in a popular restaurant without parents reminding you. Engage in adult conversations at restaurants. Try a new piece of food. There are many parents, fearing that their children will not sit still and cause awkward situations, making themselves embarrassed, so they do not dare to accept the invitation to participate in parties at restaurants, so they have to regret eating at home. However, that is completely wrong, because you just need to spend time teaching children eating skills and choosing a restaurant wisely that is suitable for them. Remember that if children don't learn table manners at home first, they won't be able to use them in a restaurant.
In order to raise children successfully, parents need more patience and psychology in addition to knowledge and survival skills. If you are having difficulty in educating children or simply do not understand the psychology of children according to each age, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for advice and more discussions with doctors and experts. leading.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source: babycenter.com - popsugar.com
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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