Does drinking a lot of milk cause early puberty?

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Early puberty is a concern for parents, because early puberty can affect the overall development and affect the general psychology of the child. Many people worry that giving children a lot of milk and dairy products will cause their children to have early puberty, is this true?

1. What is precocious puberty?

Puberty is a process of physical change through which a child's body develops into an adult and reproductive body by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads. Physical growth including height and body mass is strongest in the first half of puberty and is completed when the body is fully developed.
On average girls start puberty at 10 to 11 years old and finish puberty around 15-17 years old; Left children started later about 11 to 12 years old and ended later at about 16-17 years old.
Precocious puberty is a condition in which the body develops earlier than normal. Before 8 years old for girls and before 9 years old for boys. Signs of early puberty in children include:
For girls: The breasts begin to get bigger, there is hair in the armpits and pubic area, after the above developments, menstruation is about 1 to 2 years old. the following year. For boys: The testicles increase in size, have pubic hair, break the voice, appear dreamy, and have a larger penis. When there are changes in the child's body that suspect early puberty, parents should take the child to a medical center for examination and treatment. Slowing down this process helps children develop best physically and avoid affecting physiology.

2. Drinking a lot of milk early puberty?

In the past, it was noticed that the rate of early puberty in children increased significantly, especially for girls. At that time, scientists began to study the agent, paying special attention to milk and dairy products.
The reason people think that milk can cause early puberty is because milk contains growth hormone, which is IGF-I with a structure similar to insulin in the human body. During the past 20 years, many studies have been done, but no clear association has been found. It has been found that obesity causes early puberty in girls. The FDA has also concluded that IGF-I is metabolized and not directly absorbed into the body, so it has no direct effects on the body.

Các nhà nghiên cứu chỉ ra trong sữa có hormone tăng trưởng liên quan đến dậy thì sớm
Các nhà nghiên cứu chỉ ra trong sữa có hormone tăng trưởng liên quan đến dậy thì sớm

A strong association across studies shows a link between early puberty and childhood obesity. This means that obese children have a higher risk of precocious puberty than other children. There are a number of other factors that can cause precocious puberty such as:
Relating to race: Some races in the world have a higher risk of precocious puberty than others. Abnormalities in the child's brain: Like tumors of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland can increase the production of sex hormones. Use adult skin care products that contain hormonal ingredients. Improper use of plastic products, especially recycled plastics. But most cases of precocious puberty don't have a clear cause.
Thus, milk consumption by children does not have any studied association with an increased risk of precocious puberty or precocious puberty in children. However, parents should be careful not to use too much milk, because it reduces the amount of nutrients from other nutritional sources. Especially, if children drink a lot of sugary milk, it can make them gain weight and be at risk of obesity. This is a factor that causes children to have early puberty. Therefore, parents should let children eat a variety of foods from different sources, not just focusing on milk.

3. Notes to limit the risk of early puberty?

Some measures can help limit the risk of early puberty in children including:
Give children a balanced diet, using enough animal protein. Drink enough cow's milk, do not abuse this product to replace other nutritional sources. Encourage children to exercise to avoid overweight and obesity. Build a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits to supplement micronutrients and should reduce fast foods and processed foods. Prefer to use organic products. Avoid using items containing BPa phthalates such as recycled plastics. Seek medical attention and counseling early if your child shows signs of precocious puberty in both boys and girls.

Cha mẹ nên đưa trẻ đến cơ sở y tế để được thăm khám khi phát hiện trẻ dậy thì sớm
Cha mẹ nên đưa trẻ đến cơ sở y tế để được thăm khám khi phát hiện trẻ dậy thì sớm

In summary, there are no studies that have proven a link between milk and early puberty. However, parents should also not let children use too much milk and should choose whole milk, avoid adding flavoring to reduce unnecessary calories for the body. Reducing the risk of overweight and obesity in children. When a child shows signs of early puberty, parents should take the child to the doctor immediately for treatment and monitoring to avoid negative effects on the child.
Currently, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital and Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital are reputable and quality addresses for treating precocious puberty in children in Vietnam. Male.
Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic has a system of modern equipment along with a team of experienced, enthusiastic and loving doctors and medical staff, the clinic will be a reliable address for parents. mother when in need of medical care for her child.
Clinic specializing in pediatric endocrinology (especially delayed height growth and problems related to puberty) by Associate Professor. Doctor. Huynh Thoai Loan is one of the leading experts in Pediatrics - Neonatology in Ho Chi Minh City with nearly 30 years of experience in examining and treating pediatric endocrinology, pediatric kidney and other pediatric - neonatal problems. In charge will be a place where parents can rest assured to receive advice and answer questions about kidney and endocrine-related diseases such as: early puberty, growth retardation, nephrotic syndrome..
Exam time: from 13h30 to 16h30 every Thursday (Note: Make an appointment 1 week in advance).
At Vinmec Times City, the baby will be examined with a leading expert in Pediatric Endocrinology, will have sex hormone blood tests, bone age assessment tests, brain MRI scans or some tests. more specialized, in order to determine the right cause of early puberty and timely treatment. For more information about treatment methods, how to schedule an appointment with leading doctors, please contact the hospital for more detailed advice.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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