Children vomiting yellow fluid is dangerous?

Children vomiting yellow discharge can be a sign of many different diseases. Therefore, parents need to carefully observe the color of their baby's vomit and take the child to see a doctor immediately.

1. Newborns vomit yellow discharge, why?

Newborns vomiting yellow discharge can be due to the following reasons:

1.1 Children with functional regurgitation

The mother breastfeeds the baby in the wrong position; The baby is too full and is laid down immediately after feeding; Mother swaddling the baby too tightly, putting pressure on the stomach; The mother stuck her tongue out too deeply, causing the child to vomit. These are the common causes of children vomiting sputum, yellow discharge.

1.2 Children with pathological regurgitation

In addition, the phenomenon of children vomiting yellow mucus often can also be a warning sign that the baby is suffering from a number of diseases such as:
Digestive tract diseases: Diarrhea, slow bowel movements, intestinal obstruction, intestinal volvulus, gastrointestinal malformations, gastric acid reflux,...; Respiratory disease; Other diseases: Purulent meningitis, autonomic neuropathy, brain hemorrhage due to decreased Prothrombin ratio, adrenal genitourinary syndrome,... This is a rare group of causes, often detected late but it can lead to many dangerous complications for children if not detected and treated promptly.
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2. Why do young children vomit yellow fluid?

Signs that a child is vomiting yellow fluid with different colors can also warn of health problems such as:

2.1 Causes of vomiting yellow and green fluid in children

If the child vomits yellow or green fluid, it may be because the child is vomiting bile. However, if this situation is encountered, parents do not need to worry too much, because sometimes the simple reason is that the child's stomach is not having enough food or because the child has stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis).
In addition, children vomiting yellow and green discharge can also come from the cause of the baby's bowel prolapse or gallstones, causing bile to be blocked. This condition is also accompanied by other manifestations such as anorexia, constipation, abdominal cramps,... However, gallstone disease is quite rare in young children.

2.2 Causes of vomiting yellow-orange fluid in children

Parents may see their child vomit yellow-orange discharge in the first few hours after the baby has certain illnesses. This condition is likely to persist if the parent continues to feed the child between vomiting episodes (because orange is the color of digested food).
The causes of young children vomiting yellow-orange fluid are:
Food poisoning: After eating contaminated food, children may vomit along with other symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, ...; Viral gastroenteritis: Children show vomiting yellow-orange mucus, accompanied by other symptoms such as low-grade fever, muscle pain and abdominal pain; Colds and flu: Children have symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, continuous high fever, fatigue, headache, chills and vomiting with orange-yellow discharge.

2.3 Other causes

In addition, children may also vomit yellow fluid if they have: Appendicitis, intussusception, motion sickness, chemotherapy, ear infections, use of some special drugs,...

3. What to do when the child vomits yellow fluid?

When a child shows signs of vomiting and spits up yellow fluid, parents should immediately follow the steps below:
Turn the child's head to one side to avoid choking on vomit. Then, use gauze to clean the vomit from the child's mouth and throat and then the child's nose; Cupping your hands, gently patting both sides of the back to reduce fear and reduce crying, help the child vomit the rest out; Use a washcloth soaked in warm water, wipe the baby's face and neck, change the child's clothes if vomit is present; When the child has calmed down, give the child warm water or warm oresol water; Give the baby milk slowly and then put the baby to sleep; Do not arbitrarily give the child anti-vomiting medicine. In case the child vomits yellow liquid due to choking or has a foreign object in the throat, it is necessary to perform first aid quickly by placing the child on his or her stomach, patting the back between the baby's shoulder blades. If milk spills into the baby's nose and throat, it must be sucked up. After that, parents took 2 fingers and pressed firmly on the middle breast position of the child 5 times and then took the child to the hospital for a timely examination.
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4. Is it dangerous for children to vomit yellow fluid?

Vomiting is not a disease but a symptom of many different diseases such as infections or other chronic conditions. Normally, the color of vomit will change according to the stage of the disease or according to different diseases, For example, vomiting due to stomach pain is green or yellow at first, then turns orange.
If your child vomits for 1-2 days, it is usually not a serious problem. This may just be the child's body's response to the stimulation of the intestines or the process of eliminating toxic substances from the stomach. This type of vomiting is also often associated with acute illnesses such as food poisoning.
However, if your child has persistent vomiting, lasting more than a few weeks or up to several months, it could be a symptom of a chronic illness. Parents should take the child to the doctor immediately if the child is vomiting yellow fluid with the following symptoms:
The child is crying a lot, bulging fontanelle, convulsing or panicking; Children vomit continuously within 24 hours; Children with abnormal signs of the gastrointestinal tract such as flatulence, abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea,...; Children showing signs of dehydration such as dry skin, sunken eyes, dry lips, hair loss,...; The child's skin color changes, the breathing rate is abnormally fast, there is an episode of apnea; Children with fever, lethargic sleep; Bloody vomit or green vomit. Children vomiting yellow discharge can be due to common medical conditions but can also sometimes be a warning sign of many dangerous conditions. Therefore, when a child's vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, parents should take the child to the doctor immediately for an accurate diagnosis.
With many years of experience in examining and treating diseases in children, now the Pediatrics Department at Vinmec International General Hospital has become one of the major health care centers, capable of examining , screening and treatment of many specialized diseases in children. Therefore, if the child has signs of vomiting yellow fluid with dangerous symptoms, parents can take the child to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and receive support and advice from doctors. doctors and health professionals.

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