What is condyloma?

Condyloma disease, also known as genital warts, is a common social disease and is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Many people still do not understand clearly what Condyloma is and how to treat this disease?

1. Concept of Condyloma

What is condyloma ? Condyloma is also known as genital warts or warts. This disease is one of the sexually transmitted diseases, caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and is usually transmitted in the following ways:
Unprotected sex: The disease will be transmitted through the vagina vaginal, anal and even oral. Human papillomavirus (HPV) can be transmitted through saliva, blood, and some bodily fluids. Through mother-to-child transmission: When pregnant, infected with genital warts, especially in the early stages, can also be transmitted to the fetus through the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid and even during labor. When a baby is born, it can be transmitted through contact with blood, secretions or breastfeeding later. The Condyloma virus is present in the oily discharge from some warts. Viruses are usually transmitted through close contact such as hugging, sharing personal items, sharing baths, etc. However, the possibility of infection in this case is also quite rare, accounting for only a very small percentage. .

2. Causes of Condyloma

The leading cause is caused by the HPV virus. This is the most common sexually transmitted disease.
Condyloma in humans is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse. In children, the virus can be passed on through objects. Or transmission from mother to child during childbirth. Children with early condyloma are most likely to have been sexually abused or had early sex. Genital warts can be passed on to others even if there are no symptoms. The incubation period for genital warts can last from a few weeks to several months.

3. Signs of Condyloma

When infected with Condyloma (genital warts), the infected person will usually go through 3 stages. Just like each stage will have its own unique symptoms. Specifically:
Incubation period: This period will last for several months until specific symptoms appear. The time period ranges from 2-9 months and usually does not appear typical signs. Therefore, it is difficult to detect the disease at this time.
Early stage of the disease: In the early stages, some warts will appear in sensitive areas, arms, mouth, lips, head, face ... Acne is usually pink, soft, grows on the skin, is easy rupture, bleeding but no pain,..
In men, these warts usually appear on the body, glans penis and head of the penis, mouth, anal condyloma,... In women, the warts appear. present in the 2 edges of the vagina, mouth, cervix... Later stage of the disease: At this stage, the papillomatous nodules will develop into large lumps, into plaques shaped like warts or cauliflower cotton. Accompanied by typical symptoms that are easy to recognize such as:
A lot of strange discharge When having sex, bleeding after sex The surface of the skin grows some wet, itchy bumps and when scratching leads to bleeding. Warts increase in size relatively quickly and spread to the surface of the skin which is very uncomfortable.

4. Effective treatment of Condyloma

The treatment of Condyloma is also based on the extent and development of the disease or the selection of a quality medical facility of the patient. Currently, treatment of the disease mainly includes physical therapy methods (electrocautery, cryotherapy, laser), surgical removal of warts or medication.
Treatment of condyloma with drugs
Usually, the treatment of warts with drugs is only used for mild cases. Patients should follow their doctor's prescriptions. Avoid arbitrarily buying drugs for use with the possibility of unwanted side effects and ineffectiveness.
Topical drugs often work to destroy the cell tissue that protrudes from the skin. In addition, there are some oral drugs that also help eliminate HPV virus and help strengthen the body's resistance. When prescribed, use the correct dose for best results.
This method uses liquid nitrogen and freezes the wart cells. Causes these areas to blister and peel off after 5 to 10 days. The method of cryotherapy is quite fast, only 5 to 15 minutes each time, leaving no scars. However, this method has the disadvantage that it is only effective for mild conditions, which can lead to swelling and pain.
Electrocautery will use high-frequency electric current to heat the warts. Suitable for the treatment of some types of dry warts, with high efficiency and difficult to recur. However, electrocautery can cause major damage to the skin after burning. It may be difficult to restore the skin to its original state. This method also requires the doctor to have expertise and high skill to perform.

5. Does having genital warts affect fertility?

Condyloma disease does not affect conception as well as fetal development in the womb. However, during pregnancy, genital warts are easily transmitted to the baby and the warts on the uterine wall are too large, which will also interfere with the birth process of the baby. After birth, the baby can become infected with the virus and develop a goiter in the respiratory tract, genitals, especially in girls.

6. How to prevent genital warts for the whole family?

Prevention of genital warts according to the basic principle is to isolate the source of the disease directly. The source of warts can be located in the genital area and in the anus:
Should wash hands with clean soap before and after using the toilet, taking care of the genital area. If the secretion is unfortunately soiled on the bed sheet or surrounding items, clean it. Should wash clothes, towels, ... separately and absolutely do not wear underwear with you. During sexual intercourse, condoms should be used during sexual intercourse. You should use condoms for 3 to 6 months when the results show that you no longer have new warts. Cleaning and bathing the baby should be washed with soap before and after bathing. The mother is still breastfeeding her baby normally, because the virus is not transmitted through breast milk. What is condyloma? With the filtered information provided to readers, you must have understood somewhat about this disease. When suffering from genital warts, you should actively seek out a reputable social disease specialist clinic to receive the best support from the doctors.
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