Nuts help lose weight

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Studies show that a diet rich in nuts reduces the risk of metabolic heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and helps with weight management. Plus, nuts are a handy snack and can be added to your favorite smoothie recipe for a protein boost.

1. Why do nuts help with weight loss?

1.1. Nuts are high in nutrients Nuts are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are good fats for heart and blood vessel health. One gram of fat contains 9 calories, while 1 gram of carbs or protein contains only 4 calories.
The calorie and fat content of some commonly used nuts is as follows:
Nuts help lose weight

Many people are concerned that nuts are high in fat and will make them gain weight. But studies have found that eating nuts regularly does not promote weight gain, regardless of whether people follow a strict diet or eat on a whim. In some cases, they even protect you against weight gain.
1.2. Nuts help you reduce appetite and increase satiety Researchers suggest that their appetite-suppressing effects may be due to increased production of the peptide hormones YY (PYY) and/or cholecystokinin (CCK), both of which help regulate appetite.
It is theorized that high protein and high unsaturated fats may be responsible for this effect.
Studies show that 54–104% of additional calories that come from adding nuts to the diet are eliminated by naturally reducing other food intake. In other words, eating nuts as a snack increases feelings of fullness, leading to less eating of other foods.

Nhiều người lo ngại rằng các loại hạt chứa nhiều chất béo vậy thì sẽ khiến họ bị tăng cân
Nhiều người lo ngại rằng các loại hạt chứa nhiều chất béo vậy thì sẽ khiến họ bị tăng cân

1.3. Only some fats are absorbed during digestion. The structure and high fiber content of some nuts, unless they are ground or finely ground, most of the time they pass through the intestines undigested. As a result, some nutrients, including fats, are eliminated in the stool.
This is also why nuts are weight loss friendly.
However, processed nuts will greatly affect the absorption of nutrients such as fat.
For example, one study found a greater amount of fat was excreted in the feces for whole peanuts (17.8%) than for peanut butter (7%) or peanut oil (4.5%)

2. Nuts for weight loss

2.1. Brazil nuts Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium, which plays an important role in the body's antioxidant activity. Brazilian scientists also confirmed that consumption of Brazil nuts reduced serum LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and high HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
In addition, they are rich in polyunsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are great for you to lose weight, and also prevent inflammation.
Calories: About 200 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about 40 grams; When is the best time to eat it: Eat for breakfast so your body can use up all the calories in the seeds. 2.2. Walnuts Walnuts are tree nuts that resemble the shape of a human brain. That is why it is believed that walnuts are good for your brain cells. But new scientific evidence shows that consuming 30g of walnuts per day can help reduce the body condition. Researchers have also found that walnut consumption helps reduce BMI and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Calorie intake: Approximately 190 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about 30 grams; How to eat it: If possible, eat raw walnuts directly. Otherwise they can be eaten when dried or roasted; When is a good time to eat: Eat for breakfast, a mid-morning snack, or at noon. You can eat them directly or add them to smoothies and salads.

Tiêu thụ quả óc chó giúp giảm chỉ số BMI và nguy cơ mắc bệnh tiểu đường loại 2
Tiêu thụ quả óc chó giúp giảm chỉ số BMI và nguy cơ mắc bệnh tiểu đường loại 2

2.3. Almonds Almonds are an energy-dense nut that is not only delicious but also helps with weight loss. They are high in protein, fiber, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and calcium. American scientists found that people who regularly consume almonds on a low-calorie diet can lose weight and maintain weight loss.
Calories: Approximately 162 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about a fistful of you; How to eat it: Soak a handful of almonds in water for about an hour and use them with the skin on for extra fiber. However, if you have IBS/IBD or stomach ulcers, eat their fillings. You can also add almonds to smoothies or make almond milk; When is a good time to eat: Eat for breakfast or before exercise. 2.4. Pistachios Pistachios are one of the best nuts for weight loss. However, only pistachios should be used with the shell on, not salted to lose weight. Because these nuts taste great and can be easily consumed in excess. If you control your portion sizes, you can enjoy them as a snack without worrying about weight gain
Calories: Approximately 161 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about 40 chestnuts with the skin on; How to eat it: Eat pistachios in their shell, unsalted, raw or dry roasted; When is a good time to eat it: Eat 20 seeds as a mid-morning snack and the remaining 20 as an evening snack. 2.5. Peanuts Peanuts are basically legumes and packed with nutrients. They are an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, folate, vitamin E, calcium, iron and other phytonutrients. They help lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, fight cancer, and protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Calories: Approximately 168 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about 30 grams of peanuts; How to eat: Eat peanuts in their shells, unsalted, boiled or dry roasted; When is a good time to eat them: Eat them as a snack.

Hạt dẻ cười là một trong những loại hạt tốt nhất để giảm cân
Hạt dẻ cười là một trong những loại hạt tốt nhất để giảm cân

2.6. Cashews These ivory-white nuts taste great and if eaten in limited quantities can lead to weight loss. That's because cashews are nutrient-dense nuts, high in monounsaturated fats, vitamin K, fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. These nutrients scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals, reduce inflammation and stress, and improve satiety levels.
Calories: About 155 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about 30 grams of peanuts; How to eat it: Eat it raw, dry roasted and without salt or butter for optimal weight loss benefits; The best time is to eat before or after breakfast. 2.7. Hazelnuts (chestnuts) Hazelnuts, like any other nut, have a great taste and are rich in nutrients. They are rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamins A, E and K, calcium, magnesium and protein. They aid in weight loss by reducing stress in the body, improving blood lipid levels and increasing satiety. Italian scientists found that a diet rich in hazelnuts can help lower LDL cholesterol, thereby preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Calories: About 176 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about a fistful of you; How to eat it: You can boil or dry roast it, but don't salt or butter it. Or you can add them to your dishes to improve taste and nutrition; When is a good time to eat them: Eat them as a mid-morning snack, or eat them for lunch. 2.8. Macadamia nuts Macadamia nuts may be a little higher on the calorie scale, but they're still great for weight loss. They are high in protein, fiber, monounsaturated fats, folate, calcium and magnesium. Macadamia nuts have antioxidant properties which, in turn, help reduce inflammation and weight gain caused by inflammation. Brazilian scientists also added macadamia oil to lab rats and found that it lowered cholesterol levels and reduced inflammation in their fat cells
Calories: About 200 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about a fistful of you; How to eat it: You can dry roast it, but not with salt or butter. Or you can add them to your salads or smoothies; When is a good time to eat them: Eat them for breakfast or lunch, or before a workout.

Hạt mắc ca có thể cao hơn một chút trong thang đo calo, nhưng chúng vẫn rất tốt để giảm cân
Hạt mắc ca có thể cao hơn một chút trong thang đo calo, nhưng chúng vẫn rất tốt để giảm cân
2.9. Last, but not least, pecans are rich in monounsaturated fats, protein, fiber, vitamin A, calcium, iron, magnesium and folate. They are also rich in antioxidants that help scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals, lower cholesterol, protect against heart and cardiovascular diseases, and fight cancer.
Calories: Approximately 190 calories; How much to eat a day: You should consume about 20 grams. Do not exceed them as they are high in calories; How to eat it: You can eat it raw, dry-roasted, but not salted or buttered. Or you can add them to your salads or smoothies; When is a good time to eat them: Eat them as a mid-morning snack, or eat them for lunch. Above are the nuts that can help you lose fat. You can mix several nuts together to get many of their beneficial nutrients, but remember to control your portion sizes to avoid overeating. Also, eat healthy and exercise at least 3-4 days a week to use the calories you consume as expendable energy. Otherwise, you will not be able to lose body fat. Wishing you a healthy and disease-free life.

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