Is there any cure for nail fungus?

Nail fungus is a disease that can be encountered in any object, is very contagious and recurs after treatment. This pathology is very difficult to recover on its own, so it is necessary to have a suitable nail fungus treatment.

1. What is nail fungus?

Nails are the part that protects the fingers against external agents. Nails are derived from epidermal cells, consisting of many layers of keratin. Nails have the ability to produce continuously throughout the human life cycle and the amount of calcium in the body does not affect the nail growth process like bone.
Nail fungus is an infection that takes place in the nails, with the causative agent being a fungus. The disease causes the nails to change in shape, the shine on the nail surface as well as the color of the nails will also change. In addition, nail fungus also causes pain, affecting the patient's daily activities and work.
2 common fungi causing this disease are filamentous fungi (including Dermatophytes, Trichophyton...) and Candida yeast. Risk factors for nail fungus are humid environments, patients with sweaty hands, living in public environments prone to fungal infections such as swimming pools, sharing household items, people with impaired immunocompromised , diabetes ... are also more susceptible to this disease .
The clinical symptoms of nail fungus are:
The nail surface loses its normal smoothness, gradually becomes rough; There is a layer of fine, bran-like scales on the surface of the nail; There are vertical or horizontal stripes on the nail surface; Brittle nails, breaking more easily than usual; Lesions under the nail appear; Nails are prone to peeling; Nails have an unusual odor; Inflammation occurs around the nail with pain, soreness, swelling, heat, and redness. 3 clinical forms of nail fungal disease are as follows:
Nail keratosis : The horny layer of the nail thickens, the underside of the nail appears thick and hard; Nail atrophy: Nails gradually shrink from both sides to the base of the nail; Normal lesion morphology: Nails are white or yellow.
Nấm móng tay
Nấm móng tay là bệnh lý nhiễm trùng

2. What drug is applied to nail fungus?

The method of topical application is the first choice to treat nail fungus according to Western medicine. This is a measure that is applied to cases where lesions appear in small numbers, about 1-2 lesions. The commonly used topical drugs are Castellani antifungal, 5% salicylic acid, topical creams such as Ketoconazole, Terbinafine, Fluconazole, Clotrimazole... Before applying the drug, the patient needs to clean the wound, shave the nails. damaged, then let the nail dry and then apply the medicine to the surface and surrounding skin. Time to apply the drug is about 3-12 months as prescribed by the doctor, apply 2-3 times a day.
In addition, systemic drugs will also be prescribed in some necessary cases such as broad spectrum, patients with severe clinical manifestations. Oral drugs that can be prescribed are Griseofulvin for filamentous fungi, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole... with a spectrum of effects on both pathogenic fungi. Besides these antifungal drugs, it is also possible to prescribe more anti-inflammatory pain relievers, antihistamines, antibiotics ...

3. Folk remedies for nail fungus

Besides Western medicine methods, some folk remedies that patients can refer to are:
Garlic: Is a natural antibiotic containing Allicin that can fight inflammation caused by fungi. You can use hot water cooked with garlic to soak your nails about 3-4 times a week. Betel leaf: A type of leaf that has the ability to kill fungi and reduce odors caused by nail fungus. Patients can use crushed fresh betel leaves cooked with water and salt to soak their nails or rub the damaged nail area with betel nut residue about 4-5 times a week. Apple Cider Vinegar: In apple cider vinegar contains a lot of protein, vitamins and antioxidants, so it has good antibacterial and antifungal properties. Boil apple cider vinegar with salt and soak your nails with this mixture once a day. Although nail fungus is not life-threatening, it affects the aesthetics, psychology and life of the patient. Therefore, as soon as detected, it is necessary to visit a doctor and strictly follow the treatment regimen given by the doctor to treat this disease thoroughly.

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