Why is sitting too much bad for your health?

The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Le Duong Tien - Doctor of Musculoskeletal Medicine - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International Hospital.
Sitting a lot and being inactive will affect the blood circulation in the body. At the same time, it is also the cause that directly affects the organs in the body. Therefore, regularly stand up to walk or move during sitting to improve the effects caused by sitting too much.

1. Health effects of sitting too much

How is sitting a lot harmful to the body? In fact, it will significantly affect the activities of all organs in the body. That affects health as well as quality of life. These harmful effects include:
Heart damage . The scientists found in the study that compared two groups: the first group consisted of transit drivers - who spent most of the day in the car, and the second group - the guides or guards - who always standing or moving. Although the diets and life habits of the two study groups were similar, those who sat a lot were twice as likely to develop heart disease as those who moved or stood. Reduce life expectancy . People who sit too much are likely to die earlier from any cause over a long period of time. Only daily practice can improve this state of health. Dementia . Sitting too much for a long time can cause the brain to look like someone with dementia. Sitting also increases the risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Moving around regularly during the day can help reduce your risk of all sorts of health problems. Counteract the effects of exercise. The effects of too much sitting will counteract the effects of exercise. Even exercising 7 hours a week - far more than the 2 - 3 hours recommended - it can reverse the effects of sitting continuously for 7 hours. Besides, in the gym, it should be noted not to ignore all difficult movements when practicing or to take breaks during practice. Stay active until the exercise is over.
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The risk of diabetes increases. If you sit all day, your risk of diabetes is likely to increase. Because the body burns too few calories. Although it hasn't been proven definitively, doctors think that sitting a lot can change the body's response to insulin, the hormone that helps burn sugar for energy. There is a possibility of a blood clot. A blood clot (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in the legs, usually caused by sitting still for too long. It can become serious if the blood clot breaks off and lodges in the lungs. In some people there will be swelling and pain. However, in others, this symptom is absent. That is why it is important to give up the habit of sitting a lot. Weight gain is possible. Sitting for long hours watching TV or surfing the web can lead to the possibility of being overweight or obese. It is better to exercise every day, but too much screen time will make exercise ineffective. Anxiety can spike. This could be due to being alone and participating in screen activities. This effect can disrupt sleep and cause anxiety spikes. In addition, too much time alone will cause friends and relatives to gradually drift away, and it also causes unnecessary anxiety. Broken back. The sitting position puts a lot of pressure on the muscles of the back, neck and spine. It's even worse when slouching. Look for an ergonomic chair that has the right height and back support in the right positions. Always keep in mind that no matter how comfortable you are sitting, get up and move around for 1-2 minutes every half hour to keep your spine straight. Varicose veins . Sitting for too long limits blood flow to the legs. This puts extra pressure in the veins leading to signs of swelling, twisting, or bulging — called varicose veins. The most obvious sign is a spider vein, a bundle of broken blood vessels nearby. However, that's not cause for concern for everyone, but it can cause pain. When there are these signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor to have the right treatment option. May be paralyzed. Older people who are inactive can develop osteoporosis (weak bones) and gradually become unable to perform basic tasks of daily living such as bathing or going to the bathroom. Risk of cancer. Sitting for long periods of time can increase the risk of colon, endometrial or lung cancer. The more you sit, the higher your chances of getting sick. Older women also have a higher rate of breast cancer if they sit for long periods without moving.
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2. Measures to improve the habit of sitting a lot

To improve this bad habit, you can apply exercise methods right at your desk. That is, after about 2 hours of work, stand up and stretch and walk around the desk to help the blood circulation process take place better. In addition, other measures can be used to improve this situation such as taking the stairs, taking a lunch break, using a chair with a back that is suitable for your body shape, or you can use a standing desk.
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Article referenced source: Webmd.com
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