Pimples in the armpit: Causes and treatment

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Underarm acne is not an uncommon condition, but it can be a sign of an annoying skin problem. In most mild cases, armpit pimples go away on their own, but in more severe cases they may require medication or surgery. If your pimples start to ooze, bleed, or have other unusual symptoms, seek medical attention right away to prevent infection and other complications.

1. What is the condition of armpit acne?

Pimples usually consist of bumps, which are formed due to the accumulation of bacteria in the pores or blocked sweat glands. Pimples are a common problem, but they tend to grow in sensitive places on the body, such as the underarms (armpits), and make you worry about it. In fact, these pimples aren't as much of a concern as you might think.
Pimples in the armpits are a fairly common condition. They are usually harmless and may go away on their own over time. Armpit pimples can appear as small, asymptomatic skin tags or as red, swollen bumps accompanied by itching and discomfort. If the pimple is oozing or painful, you may need medical treatment.

2. Causes of armpit acne and how to treat it

The formation of acne spots in the armpits can originate from many different reasons, in fact there are many people who think that acne in the armpits can be caused by plucking armpit hair and having lymph nodes. Accordingly, some possible causes of underarm acne can be listed as follows:
2.1.Ingrown hairs Shaving or some other form of hair removal can be the most common causes of ingrown hairs reverse, leading to acne in the armpit. Ingrown hairs are caused by hair follicles being twisted backwards or bent to penetrate the skin. In other specific cases, dead skin can cause hair follicles to clog and cause hair to grow under the skin instead of upwards as usual.

Sử dụng dao cạo thường xuyên có thể khiến lông vùng dưới cánh tay bị mọc ngược
Sử dụng dao cạo thường xuyên có thể khiến lông vùng dưới cánh tay bị mọc ngược

Ingrown hairs are not usually serious, but they can be uncomfortable, especially if growing in sensitive areas. In addition to one or a group of red, swollen bumps, you may also have the following symptoms: Inflammation, pain, itching, pus or discharge...
Although ingrown hairs will go away on their own, they may still be present. possibility of infection. If the symptoms of ingrown hairs don't improve, or if the ingrown hairs don't go away on their own, you should see a dermatologist for an early diagnosis and treatment.
Currently, there aren't any treatments for ingrown hairs, but you can completely prevent them from occurring. To prevent ingrown hairs, try some of these methods:
Exfoliate to help remove ingrown hair Shave with a new single-blade razor and shave in the direction of hair growth Apply a cool towel to freshly shaved skin 2.2.Folliculitis Folliculitis is a skin condition that causes inflammation in the hair follicles. At first glance, it looks like white or red bumps growing around the armpit hair. However, it can progress to non-healing lesions. In severe cases, folliculitis can cause permanent hair loss and scarring.
In addition to armpit pimples, when you have folliculitis, you may experience some signs and symptoms such as:
Itching Blisters filled with pus Thin skin There is a burning sensation Appears a bump in size From baby to adult In mild cases, folliculitis will clear up on its own after only a few days, if you pay attention to proper care and hygiene of the underarm skin area. If the case is more severe, the doctor can prescribe medication to treat the disease and limit complications.

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Nách là vùng da ẩm ướt, tiết nhiều mồ hôi nên dễ bị viêm nang lông

2.3.Contact Dermatitis Contact dermatitis is a skin rash usually caused by an allergic reaction. This condition is not life-threatening and will usually clear up on its own within a few weeks. A rash will appear on areas of the body that have come in contact with the allergen.
In addition to appearing as raised bumps on the skin, you may also notice:
Itching Red rash Dry skin A burning sensation on the skin Bumpy discharge Stomach care at home is considered a treatment Effective for contact dermatitis, including avoiding skin allergens. However, for more severe cases, your doctor may suggest you use a topical ointment to help ease the symptoms of the rash. In addition, you can also use prescription drugs to relieve itching and inflammation of the skin.
2.4.Puppy sweat glands Inflammation of the sweat glands is a form of the disease that can cause painful bumps to form under the skin, usually in the armpit or groin area. Although the condition may go away on its own, nodules that look like nodules are at risk of reappearing.
In severe cases, inflammation of the sweat glands can cause some of the following symptoms:
Bad-smelling discharge Acne recurrence Scars Skin cancer Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help you Reduce inflammation and prevent infection. Acne medications are also recommended along with the treatment prescribed by your doctor to reduce the appearance of the rash. In the case of a lot of acne under the armpit, the patient may need the intervention of certain surgical options.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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