Does coffee and tea affect reflux esophagitis?

The article was written by MSc Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
Caffeine - a main ingredient in many coffees and teas - has been identified as possibly causing heartburn in some people. Caffeine can cause GERD symptoms because it can relax the lower esophageal sphincter.

1. Coffee concerns

Regular coffee gets the most attention when it comes to limiting caffeine, which can be beneficial for other health reasons. Regular coffee contains much more caffeine than tea and soda. The Mayo Clinic has produced the following caffeine estimates for popular types of coffee per 230-gram serving of coffee:
Type of coffee and caffeine content?
Black coffee: contains 95 to 165 mg Instant black coffee: contains 63 mg Latte: contains 63 to 126 mg Decaffeinated coffee: contains 2 to 5 mg Caffeine content may also vary by roasted type. With a darker roast, each bean will have less caffeine. Lightly roasted coffees, often labeled as "breakfast coffee," typically contain the most caffeine.
>>> 8 ways to make coffee healthy
You may want to choose a darker roast if you find that caffeine aggravates your symptoms. However, symptoms of GERD from coffee may be due to components of coffee other than caffeine. For example, some people find that darker roasts are more acidic and can worsen their symptoms.
Cold brew coffee is lower in caffeine and possibly less acidic, which may make it a more acceptable choice for people with GERD or heartburn.
Cà phê và trà gây trào ngược dạ dày
Cà phê có thể gây ợ nóng - 1 trong những triệu chứng gây trào ngược dạ dày

2. Bottom line

With scientists still not understanding the overall impact of caffeine on reflux symptoms, it can be difficult for people with GERD to know whether to avoid coffee or tea. The lack of consensus in the scientific and medical communities about the impact of coffee versus tea on GERD symptoms suggests that knowing an individual's tolerance level for these beverages is the best approach. yours. Talk to your gastroenterologist about your GERD symptoms.
Lifestyle changes that most experts agree can help reduce acid reflux and GERD symptoms include:
Losing weight, if overweight Raise the head of your bed six inches Do not eat within three hours before bed Although lifestyle changes can help, they may not be enough to combat all of your symptoms. You may also need over-the-counter or prescription medications to keep your heartburn under control.
Lifestyle changes, along with medication, can help provide a better quality of life while minimizing damage to the esophagus.

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