What is a good skin peel?

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Peel skin is a new concept appearing in the beauty dictionary of women. Because of the superior advantages of this method, a series of questions are often asked such as what is a peel? Peel skin is good? What is a skin peel?

1. What is a good skin peel? What is a chemical peel?

Everyone wants to have a healthy, smooth and bright skin. However, in daily life with exposure to dust and dust along with skin aging due to age, facial skin will quickly appear many problems such as wrinkles, sagging and various lesions on the facial skin. .. Proper skin care will help you prevent aging as well as problems that may appear such as melasma, acne ...
Currently, chemical peel or chemical peel is a new concept. in solving the problems of aging on the face are loved by many women and highly appreciated by beauty experts.
Peel skin is a method of using natural chemical compounds that act on the surface to help remove dead cells, dirt, bacteria located deep in the pores, promote skin renewal and new skin regeneration. .
Active ingredients commonly used in peels include:
Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA): A group of natural water-based acids extracted from foods such as yogurt, sugar cane, oranges, tangerines, apples... AHA has the effect of exfoliating, treating melasma, making skin whiter, treating acne, treating scars ... With these great uses, AHA is an ingredient in most cosmetics today. Salicylic Acid (BHA): This is an oil-based acid used for the purpose of anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling... With properties that easily penetrate pores, BHA has a role in breaking down dead skin cells on the face and skin. Removes sebum as well as helps control excess oil on the face. Tricloacetic Acid (TCA): This is an organic acid, whose function is to regenerate new skin structures to help rejuvenate the skin, improve wrinkles and skin pigmentation on the face. Retinol: This is a derivative of vitamin A with many uses, but mainly for treating acne on the face. Jessner: Effective in treating acne.

Peel da là phương pháp sử dụng các hợp chất hóa học tự nhiên tác động lên bề mặt giúp loại bỏ tế bào chết, bụi bẩn, vi khuẩn nằm sâu trong lỗ chân lông, thúc đẩy quá trình thay da và tái tạo da mới
Peel da là phương pháp sử dụng các hợp chất hóa học tự nhiên tác động lên bề mặt giúp loại bỏ tế bào chết, bụi bẩn, vi khuẩn nằm sâu trong lỗ chân lông, thúc đẩy quá trình thay da và tái tạo da mới

2. Peel levels you should know

Peel skin basically has three levels including: superficial, medium and deep peel.
Superficial Peel: This is the lightest level, done only on the surface of the skin. Shallow skin peels have the main effect of exfoliating. Shallow peel is not painful for the user, if you just want to clean the skin, you can choose a shallow peel. In addition, this method helps the acne on the face to emerge and be easily removed after a gentle face wash. Shallow skin peels are now loved by many women as a method of exfoliation instead of using other exfoliation methods. Medium Peel: This method will help the active ingredients go deep into the epidermis, after only a few days dead cells will be removed and a new layer of skin will form. If you have a need to whiten your skin, you can use a medium peel because this is the level that helps whiten skin quickly and effectively. Deep skin peel: Chemical active ingredients will act on the dermis of the facial skin. This is the layer responsible for the formation of wrinkles as well as the tension of the skin. Deep peel will help you treat many skin problems such as wrinkles, large pores, dark spots, skin whitening... However, if you want a deep peel, you need to see a doctor and get the appointment of a doctor. If you don't want to be irritated, it affects the skin of your face.

Peel da trên cơ bản có ba cấp độ bao gồm: Peel da nông, trung bình và sâu
Peel da trên cơ bản có ba cấp độ bao gồm: Peel da nông, trung bình và sâu

3. Advantages and disadvantages of peels

Peel skin is a skin care solution that has many outstanding advantages such as:
Treatment of acne on the face, leaving no scars: Peeling skin can treat almost all types of acne, prevent recurrence of acne, treat acne. Treats scars and blemishes on the skin. Painless: When using the peel is painless, you only feel a little stinging depending on the skin of each person. However, the implementation time is fast, so this feeling will not cause discomfort to the user. Quick treatment, doesn't take much time: As mentioned above, each peel only takes 5-10 minutes to perform, peels are also fast, usually 2-3 times for mild treatment. , 5-7 times for severe treatment. Long-lasting effects: After a peel combined with scientific skin care, you will have the smooth, bright and healthy skin you want for a long time. In addition to the outstanding advantages, peels still have a few disadvantages including:
Choosing a reputable care facility: Because peels are easy to perform, many cosmetology facilities even barbershops and hairdressers also have this "service". You should go to reputable places to have it done if you don't want your skin to get worse and worse. Post-peel care: The post-peel care step is also extremely important, when deciding on the effectiveness and duration of treatment. So if you can't take care of your skin after a peel for some reason, you should consider before doing it.

Bước chăm sóc sau khi peel da cũng vô cùng quan trọng, khi quyết định đến hiệu quả cũng như thời gian điều trị
Bước chăm sóc sau khi peel da cũng vô cùng quan trọng, khi quyết định đến hiệu quả cũng như thời gian điều trị
Uncontrolled peeling: The quick effects as well as the reasonable price of peels make many women love and even addicted to peels. However, you should peel your skin according to the plan recommended by your dermatologist, overuse of peels can affect skin health. Once you have answered the question, what is a peel, you can start implementing it to feel the change in skin health day by day.

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