What is an acne skin peel? Is it safe and effective?

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Peel skin for acne treatment, also known as chemical peel, this is a beauty method that uses certain chemical compounds to act on the surface of the skin, thereby eliminating the main cause of acne, which is bacteria and dust. Dirty, dead skin cells lie deep under the pores. Peel skin for acne treatment has the effect of stimulating peeling skin cells, helping to regenerate new, brighter skin and treat acne and reduce wrinkles. However, are peels safe?

1. What is a skin peel?

According to human natural regeneration mechanism, damaged skin cells (dead skin cells) will gradually be replaced by new skin cells every 28 days. Therefore, the essence of acne peels is to use chemical compounds to promote the old skin renewal process and the rapid regeneration of new, brighter and cleaner skin cells.
Peel skin differs from regular exfoliation in that the peel solution has a higher concentration of acid, which has a stronger impact on the skin than a regular exfoliant. Due to the use of natural chemical compounds, this beauty method requires the operator to have knowledge and experience to bring about the desired effect.
MORE: Benefits of facial peels and side effects to know

2. Reaction if the peel is not done properly

Peel skin for acne is considered one of the best skin care methods today, but dermatologists recommend not to overdo it, be careful when peeling at home, and should choose the right facilities. Prestigious skin care to avoid causing undesirable consequences for your skin. Here are some possible side effects if the peel is not treated properly:
Skin infection: if the peel is not performed according to the medical standard procedure, using a peel product of poor quality easily cause your skin to become infected, cause acne to appear in patches on the skin that has just been peeled, skin with blisters with pus inside ... then you need to see a dermatologist immediately to examine and solve. Melasma: in some cases after peeling, the skin not only does not improve but also gets darker because there is no doctor to advise how to care for the skin after the peel, or the user uses too much acid. lead to more skin damage. Skin burns: an important rule in acne peels is to pay attention to the concentration of the peel solution to suit each skin condition. This concentration must be prescribed by a dermatologist. If you intentionally peel the skin too much, it will cause the skin to burn due to chemicals. Skin allergies: using peel solutions with unclear ingredients, not suitable for skin conditions can lead to allergic skin conditions. SEE ALSO: Is the skin peel good and how to do it?

Peel da trị mụn có thể gây dị ứng ở một số người dùng
Peel da trị mụn có thể gây dị ứng ở một số người dùng

3. Is skin peeling safe?

So are peels safe? This is a difficult question to answer, because every beauty method has certain advantages and disadvantages. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of acne peels.
3.1. Advantages of acne peels If done correctly, acne peels bring outstanding effects such as:
Acne and skin surface damage without leaving scars. Thanks to the effect of breaking down damaged cells by causing micro-injuries on the skin's surface (to a safe extent), peels stimulate acne and produce strong collagen from the inside, thereby plumping up the skin. previous lesions without scarring. No pain: the ingredients of the peel solution are active ingredients extracted from nature, so it will be safe and friendly to the skin, with only a slight stinging or burning sensation shortly after being done. Short treatment course: Compared with other acne treatments, chemical peels bring fast results with a shorter treatment course. With mild acne you will need about 2-3 peels, with severe acne need 5-7 peels for better results. Recovery time after each peel is also quite fast, usually from 7-10 days depending on the location of each person. Treatment of all types of acne: peels are effective for all types of acne, helping to prevent acne recurrence and stimulate new cell generation quickly. 3.2. Disadvantages of acne peels Besides the advantages that this method brings, acne peels also cannot avoid some disadvantages such as:
If you do not choose the right peel product or skin care facility prestige is difficult to bring about the desired results, it may even make the skin condition worse than before. The operator should pay special attention to how to care for the skin after the peel, because this is an important factor determining the effectiveness and duration of treatment. Peeling acne skin is easy to "addict" because it brings fast results with low cost. Therefore, many people choose this method as a routine routine to remove the smallest defects on the skin, but overuse also greatly affects the health of the skin. Some cases should not peel the skin: people with sensitive skin, people with open wounds on the skin, pregnant and lactating women should consider.

Phụ nữ đang mang thai cần cân nhắc khi sử dụng peel da trị mụn
Phụ nữ đang mang thai cần cân nhắc khi sử dụng peel da trị mụn

Peel skin to treat acne with chemical actives is a beauty method that is being favored by many women today because of its effectiveness as well as many other outstanding advantages. However, finding an effective beauty method is not enough, but you still need to be examined by a specialist, consider the appropriate level and specify the correct concentration to use.
In addition, the acne peel process should be done at dermatological facilities with a team of doctors, medical standard facilities, using products of clear origin and quality. Choosing products to peel for acne and self-peeling without professional skills will lead to ineffective peels or unwanted complications.

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