Scar treatment after burning milia

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Milia is essentially a benign tumor on the skin, not cancerous, not harmful, but affects the aesthetics of the face, causing loss of confidence. Therefore, many people choose the solution to burn milia, but this method is often easy to form scars later. Knowing about scar treatment after burning milia will help you make the right decision.

1. Why is there a risk of scarring after burning milia?

Migraine burning methods have a deep level of intervention on the skin. Therefore, the risk of scar formation is very high. Even if the skin care is not suitable after the intervention, the skin is infected, especially those who already have keloid scars, scars when healing the skin can cause cosmetic loss, maybe even more than the rash. the beginning before burning the wart.
On the other hand, the methods of burning acne can also break the structure of elastin and collagen, forming holes in the skin that are concave scars. Thus, regardless of what type of scar is left behind, the treatment of scars after burning a milia is sometimes even more complicated and difficult than the treatment of a simple acne.

2. Things to prepare before going to burn skin tags to avoid scarring

In order to burn skin tags effectively, safely, ensure aesthetics and leave no scars, patients need to actively consider the following issues:

2.1 Think carefully about the need to burn skin tags

Because of the risk of scarring when burning milia, patients need to be wise before making a final decision.
Some questions need to be answered such as whether the condition of acne has a great impact on life, or does burning skin tags make life much better, the risk of forming bad scars on your own body as well as the ability to treat scars after burning skin tags if you have them...
Besides, if you've had bad scars before, you need to let your dermatologist know and help advise on how to burn acne. meat with the lowest risk of bad scarring as well as a warning to be more careful and meticulous in each intervention.

Đốt mụn thịt có nguy cơ để lại sẹo, vì vậy hãy cân nhắc kỹ trước khi đưa ra quyết định cuối cùng
Đốt mụn thịt có nguy cơ để lại sẹo, vì vậy hãy cân nhắc kỹ trước khi đưa ra quyết định cuối cùng

2.2 Choosing a reputable and professional acne burning place

The methods of burning acne all have the common principle of creating deep interventions on the skin. Therefore, the most important thing in the experience of burning skin tags of many people is to choose the right place to send gold to reputable and quality facilities and hospitals specializing in cosmetic interventions.
Here, patients have the opportunity to be treated by skilled and skillful surgeons' hands, which not only helps to remove skin tags but also avoids the risk of scarring later.

2.3 Consider modern, safe and scar-free technology to burn skin tags

Along with the development of technology, many methods of burning acne were born, increasingly meeting the aesthetics, safety and improving the risk of scarring.
In which, burning the acne using energy from the CO2 laser is considered a modern method. Despite the high cost, requiring a long procedure, the CO2 laser has the ability to minimally penetrate the skin, shrink the size of the milia, and minimize the stimulation of bad scar formation. Moreover, this method also brings benefits to the skin at the same time as skin regeneration, pore improvement, acne treatment and outstanding aging prevention for users.

3. How to prevent and treat scars after burning milia?

3.1 Adhere to proper skin care
The nature of the skin in place after burning the milia is a clean wound. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the skin every day to help prevent the wound from becoming infected, not allowing bacteria to enter, causing itching, sores, and increased risk of scar formation. Remember before each time you clean the wound or wash your face with your hands, wash your hands with soap under running water. Besides, when going outdoors, remember to cover the wound, protect the skin from direct exposure to light in combination with the application of sunscreen.
If possible, after burning the milia on the face, it is recommended to spend 30 minutes a day with specialized exercises for facial muscles, both to make the skin firmer and more supple, and to limit the formation of keloids, stretch scars. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid stress and fatigue that affect the healing process of the wound.

3.2 Drink lots of water

Almost 80% of the body is made up of water. Accordingly, water is also a determining factor for the health and beauty of the skin. Thus, after the skin is damaged in general or during the healing process after burning the milia in particular, ensuring the necessary amount of water for the skin will help prevent the risk of bad scar healing. Moreover, this is both a treatment for scars in general, and helps the skin to quickly remove toxins and regenerate new skin.

3.3 Increase foods rich in vitamins C, E and natural minerals

Advice on a diet rich in vegetables and fruits is very familiar in terms of overall health protection. For the scar healing stage, the essential nutrients for the skin during the regeneration process also carry many meanings.
The source of vitamin C in the citrus fruit family will help fade scars, whiten skin and increase the production of new epidermis. At the same time, vitamin E also works to help soften scar tissue, stimulate natural collagen, quickly fill the site of skin damage caused by scars, and help fade scars.
Thus, these vitamins along with the minerals in vegetables will help promote the growth of new skin cells, increase natural collagen production to help fade and fill scars after burning milia.

Tăng cường bổ sung vitamin C sẽ giúp làm mờ sẹo sau khi đốt mụn thịt
Tăng cường bổ sung vitamin C sẽ giúp làm mờ sẹo sau khi đốt mụn thịt

4. Limit foods that cause scar formation

Although the characteristics of scar healing are largely dependent on the extent and mechanism of damage to the skin, whether there is a skin infection or not as well as your own location, abstaining from certain foods is believed to can contribute to limiting the formation of unsightly scars on the skin.
Foods with high levels of protein and calcium such as seafood, eggs, beef, chicken... Foods that cause scarring such as water spinach The drinks are not good such as: alcohol, coffee, carbonated soft drinks, ...

5. Refer to the use of products to avoid scars

On the market today, there are many products that are effective in preventing and improving scar healing. Some are applied topically, some can also be taken orally.
Because each product has a different anti-scarring mechanism, each person has a different scar healing mechanism, and depending on the intervention on the skin when burning skin tags, users should consult a doctor. dermatology for advice on choosing the right product and how to use it.
In addition, if scar formation is difficult to prevent or improve with the above simple measures, continued treatment intervention on the skin after burning the milia may be considered. However, which method to choose at this time needs to be guaranteed to be effective and safe for the skin, both to improve the scar and to help prevent the recurrence of milia.
In short, after burning the milia, the patient will recover quite quickly, however, treating the scars after burning the milia is sometimes a difficult problem. However, if there is knowledge and preparation on how to treat scars as above, combined with the choice of the safest method of burning skin tags, patients will quickly get the appearance they desire.

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