Makeup tips when you have psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the chronic diseases with the appearance of red patches on dry scaly skin, making the patient self-conscious in communication activities. However, proper skin care and makeup will help smooth and even skin tone, bringing confidence to women. So, how do you apply makeup with psoriasis and do you have makeup tips when you have psoriasis? Readers can refer to the following article.

1. Cleanse your face

The first step is to wash your face, using a facial cleanser approved by your doctor that is suitable for your skin and does not cause irritation. Then, using a towel can help remove the dried plaque. This is a very important step because if the plaque remains on the skin they can make the makeup worse, even lose its effectiveness. However, make sure to be gentle with your sensitive skin, as it can cause skin irritation.

2. Moisturizing

With the question of psoriasis how to make up? Then pay attention to the moisturizing step. Accordingly, you can lubricate your skin with a fragrance-free, non-irritating, and non-sticky skin moisturizer. Then, let the cream soak into the skin for at least 10 minutes, before you apply your next makeup products. This will help the skin around the psoriasis area stay hydrated, but not shiny. Because if the skin is shiny, the makeup will not stick.
MORE: 8 makeup tips for people with dry skin

3. Use primer

Once your skin has absorbed the moisturizer, use a skin primer. This cream will help cover up patches of skin, giving the surface a smoother appearance before applying makeup.

4. Use the right makeup powder

You may need thicker makeup to cover problem areas, or fade redness. So, choose gentle makeup products that suit your needs and skin. Make sure it doesn't irritate the psoriasis area. You can consult your doctor to choose the right product.
MORE: Skin care steps before makeup

5. Choose makeup color

It may take you a few tries to find the right color makeup for your skin tone. Test and choose different colors, so that the makeup color is the same as the color on the skin near the psoriasis skin area. You may have to mix the two products to get the color and thickness you want.
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6. Use your fingertips to apply makeup

Fingertips are the best tool for even makeup. Because makeup brushes can be painful for your skin. So wash your hands before applying makeup, then put a small amount in your hands to warm them up before applying to your skin. Accordingly, you should apply a little and mix well, then add light layers, layer upon layer until you achieve the required coverage.

7. Make sure to cover the powder evenly

If you are covering psoriatic skin around a joint area such as a knee or elbow, make sure the joint is flexed and the skin is taut when applying makeup. If you don't do this, chances are that the makeup won't apply evenly and will crack, and there will be gaps when you move.
MORE: Why should you use mineral spray to lock makeup?

8. Mineral spray

Finally, use mineral spray to keep makeup on the surface of the skin. Besides, when you move or carry a small makeup kit so you can fix it when there is a mistake.

9. Remove makeup

Makeup can help you cover blemishes on scaly skin. However, if the makeup layer stays on the skin for a long time, it will make the skin condition worse. So, after you get home, clean your makeup with makeup remover and cleanser.
In summary, psoriasis is one of the chronic dermatological diseases that cause cosmetic loss on the skin. Some of the above makeup tips will help you hide your flaws and be more confident. Perfecting makeup can take time to achieve the right color, coverage, and process. Be patient with yourself and choose the right makeup products for your skin, to minimize irritation and complications for your skin.

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