11 benefits of vitamin C serum

Vitamin C serum is a form of vitamin formulated for topical use to help maximize the effectiveness of the vitamin's absorption through the skin. Here are the benefits of vitamin C serum that you need to know.

1. What is vitamin C serum?

If you have a skin care routine, you must have heard of vitamin C serum or vitamin C serum. In fact, vitamin C is considered one of the best anti-aging ingredients, which can be likened to the "key" to maintaining smooth, even and bright skin.
Although you can get vitamin C in your diet, there is no way to guarantee that your skin can absorb enough vitamin C. Using a vitamin C serum is the most direct way to better absorb vitamin C through the skin.

2. The outstanding benefits of vitamin C serum

2.1 Vitamin C serum is safe for most skin types Most people can use a topical vitamin C serum for a long period of time without any side effects.
In rare cases, people with overly sensitive skin may experience mild irritation. Vitamin C is also safe to use with other skin care actives, including alpha hydroxy acids, retinols, and SPF.
2.2. Vitamin C serum provides moisturizing Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate is one of the main vitamin C derivatives used in skin care and has been shown to have moisturizing effects on the skin. It reduces transepidermal water loss, helping your skin retain moisture better.
2.3. Vitamin C serum for brighter skin Vitamin C can help fade pigmentation and smooth the skin's surface to reduce dark spots on the skin. This gives the skin a youthful appearance.
2.4. Vitamin C helps reduce inflammation, redness and evens out skin tone Vitamin C has also been shown to be one of the drugs used to treat a variety of inflammatory skin diseases. The redness-reducing effect results in a more even, luminous complexion.
2.5. Vitamin C helps fade hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation is the appearance of sun spots, age spots, and melasma, which can occur when melanin is overproduced in certain areas of the skin. These hyperpigmentation spots can also appear where the acne has healed.
Application of vitamin C has been shown to help prevent melanin production. This can help fade dark spots and provide a more even skin tone.
Serum vitamin c
Vitamin C được xem là một trong những thành phần chống lão hóa tốt nhất
2.6. Vitamin C reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes These types of vitamin C can help smooth wrinkles by brightening and hydrating the skin under the eyes.
Although vitamin C is more effective at reducing overall redness, some say it can help reduce discoloration associated with dark circles.
2.7. Vitamin C serum promotes collagen production Vitamin C also has a special effect on promoting collagen production. Collagen is a natural protein that is lost over time due to aging. Low collagen levels can lead to the appearance of wrinkles.
2.8. Vitamin C serum can help prevent skin sagging. Collagen production will help increase skin elasticity and firmness. As your collagen levels start to drop, your skin will begin to wrinkle and sag. The use of vitamin C serum can promote this collagen production, restoring skin firmness and elasticity.
2.9. Vitamin C serum protects from sun damage Sun damage is caused by molecules called free radicals. These are atoms that are missing electrons. Free radicals will seek out other atoms in the tissues of the cells, from where they can cause oxidation and this can lead to significant damage to the skin.
Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect healthy skin cells by reacting to these free radicals by giving them electrons, rendering them harmless.
2.10. It can help soothe sunburn. In addition to minimizing redness, vitamin C speeds up cell renewal. This regeneration helps to replace damaged cells with new healthy cells.
2.11. Vitamin C Boosts Wound Healing Due to vitamin C's effect on sunburn damage, it's not surprising that vitamin C application can increase the body's effectiveness in wound healing. Good wound healing will save you from the risk of inflammation, infection, and scarring.
Serum vitamin c
Serum vitamin C là loại serum an toàn cho hầu hết mọi loại da

3. How to use vitamin C serum

Although topical vitamin C is generally well tolerated by the skin, all products applied to the skin have the potential to cause side effects. You should always get tested to assess your risk of an allergic reaction. Here's how:
Choose a small area of ​​skin that's easy to conceal, like your forearm. Apply a small amount of the product of your choice, then wait about 24 hours. If no side effects occur, you can apply it on the face. Discontinue use if you develop rash, redness or hives. After fully checking the above steps without any side effects, you can use the product and should follow the instructions on the product label.
Vitamin C serum is usually used about once or twice a day. A general rule of thumb before use is to cleanse, condition, apply a vitamin C serum, and then moisturize.
Vitamin C can be safely used when taken with other active ingredients, although taking it with niacinamide may make vitamin C less effective.
You should make sure to check the expiry date of your product. If the product darkens or has other discoloration, the vitamin C it contains may have been oxidized. While the product may still be safe to use, it is no longer providing maximum effectiveness benefits.

4. Side effects and potential risks

Although using vitamin C is unlikely to cause irritation, you should always test a product before using it on your face. Only this method can determine how your skin will react to the serum.
If your skin is particularly sensitive, you should avoid products with L-ascorbic acid. Products with magnesium ascorbyl phosphate may also be less irritating to the skin.
Bôi serum vitamin C
Bạn nên thử sản phẩm lên một vùng da nhỏ trước khi bôi lên toàn bộ da mặt
In short, vitamin C can help repair blemishes, reduce hyperpigmentation, and help keep your skin healthy and radiant. Regular use is the key to maximum effectiveness, so use vitamin C as your routine in the way that works best for you. Some people use Vitamin C in the morning to take advantage of its UV protection, while others prefer to use it at night. You should discontinue use if you begin to experience irritation or discomfort.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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