Home Tag Urinary kidney

Articles in Urinary kidney

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Anticoagulation in patients with chronic kidney disease
When using anticoagulants in patients with chronic kidney disease, it may cause some risks to the patient's health such as increasing the risk of stroke or may lead to calcification of blood vessels. special note.
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Medicines and functional foods to improve health for long-term hemodialysis patients
Hi doctor! My mother has been on hemodialysis for a long time, but now her health has deteriorated. So, can you advise me on drugs and functional foods to improve health for long-term hemodialysis patients? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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Urinating many times a day with pain in the abdomen below the navel is a problem with the bladder and urinary tract?
Hello doctor, I am 16 years old, I have symptoms of urinating many times a day. At night, if you do not drink water after 7 o'clock, urinate at least 2 times during the night and feel pain in the abdomen below the navel.
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How to treat elderly people with urinary tract infections with urinary retention?
My grandfather is 90 years old this year, currently has a urinary tract infection, has not urinated for about 7 days. Now, the doctor suggests opening a hole for defecation in the abdomen. Please ask the elderly doctor how to treat urinary tract infections with urinary retention
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Men who often urinate hot, prostatitis?
I have weak urine, hot urine or easy to urinate. Please ask the doctor if the male frequently urinates hot, prostatitis? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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How to treat grade 2 hydronephrosis?
Hello doctor, Left kidney: has stone size 5mm, no water retention. Right kidney: grade 2 hydronephrosis, middle 1/3 dilated ureter with stone size 5mm. Ask your doctor how to treat grade 2 hydronephrosis? Thank you doctor.
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Hydronephrosis with 10mm ureter stones need surgery?
This year, I am 20 years old, when I went to an ultrasound, I found that my left kidney was left with grade 1 water and 10mm ureteral stones, I have no pain, no fever, normal urination and clear white urine, so please ask a doctor about stasis. Water with 10mm ureter stone need surgery? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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How to treat 7mm ureteral stones with blood in urine?
I have a left ureter stone, size 7mm, causing pain in the left side. Occasionally there is blood in the urine. Please ask the doctor how to treat 7mm ureteral stones with blood in urine? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Percutaneous pyelonephritis drainage under the guidance of digital background removal
Dẫn lưu bể thận qua da dưới hướng dẫn của chụp số hóa xóa nền giúp nhanh chóng giải quyết tình trạng ứ đọng nước, mủ trong bể thận của bệnh nhân. Thủ thuật này được sử dụng khi đường bài tiết bị tắc nghẽn do nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau.
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Diabetes insipidus of renal origin
Bệnh đái tháo nhạt nguồn gốc thận (NDI) là tình trạng rối loạn tái hấp thu nước ở ống thận. Nguyên nhân do ống thận giảm khả năng đáp ứng với hormone vasopressin (ADH) dẫn đến lượng nước tiểu tiết ra nhiều và loãng. Bệnh đái tháo nhạt có thể do di truyền hoặc thứ phát sau khi mắc các bệnh lý gây giảm khả năng cô đặc nước tiểu của thận.
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Causes of vomiting and nausea during hemodialysis
Buồn nôn, nôn là một trong những biến chứng thường gặp ở bệnh nhân chạy thận nhân tạo, chiếm tỷ lệ khoảng 5-15%. Nguyên nhân thường do hạ huyết áp, phản ứng với màng lọc,...
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