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Articles in throat. throat

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The appearance of tiny particles in the throat warns of what disease?
Hello, doctor. Recently, I often have an itchy throat cough 1-2 times, 2 weeks ago my throat had a small sore that was very painful, after 2-3 days it was over, today I feel a lump in my throat. There are tiny particles like sand. Can I ask if this is cancer or a dangerous disease? Looking forward to consulting your doctor.
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Is stuffy nose, difficulty breathing a sign of a deviated septum?
Hello doctor! I am 34 years old this year, I often have trouble sleeping because of a blocked nose and difficulty breathing. Previously, I had an injury to my nose and needed stitches. I read the article and found it very suspicious that I had a crooked nasal septum.
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Swallowing pain on one side of the throat with wheezing, chest pain is throat cancer?
Hello doctor, I have a sore throat on one side and it is painful to swallow, wheezing and accompanied by pain in the right chest for a long time. I had an endoscopy, the doctor said there was pus in the right throat, but taking the medicine did not go away.
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Steps of ENT endoscopy
Nội soi tai mũi họng là kỹ thuật tối ưu hỗ trợ bác sĩ phát hiện sớm và chẩn đoán chính xác các dấu hiệu liên quan đến bệnh Tai - Mũi - Họng. Từ đó, đưa ra phương pháp điều trị kịp thời, tránh trình trạng bệnh diễn biến nặng thêm.
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Treatment of strep throat
When it's cold or humid, the season changes... are the right conditions for strep throat and tonsillitis to develop. Strep throat is a disease that can cause serious complications such as acute arthritis, acute glomerulonephritis, rheumatic heart disease, blood infection...
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