The appearance of tiny particles in the throat warns of what disease?

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Hello doctor, do you have pea-sized particles in the base of your tongue near your throat, don't know what's wrong for a long time? I thank you!
Lan (Da Nang)
Hello, doctor. Recently, I often have an itchy throat cough 1-2 times, 2 weeks ago my throat had a small sore that was very painful, after 2-3 days it was over, today I feel a lump in my throat. There are tiny particles like sand. Can I ask if this is cancer or a dangerous disease? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello, according to your description, I think a lot of the lymphoid tissue in the lower throat, the base of the tongue, the shape is like the granules of green peas or smaller, rough. on the surface of the base of the tongue, if there is no pain, no bleeding, no discomfort when eating, then there are no pathological symptoms, you should go for a throat endoscopy to be examined and consulted more carefully
Doctor Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

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