Home Tag Systolic heart failure

Articles in Systolic heart failure

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Systolic heart failure: What you need to know
When the pumping function of the heart is impaired, accompanied by an ejection fraction EF less than 40%, it is called systolic heart failure. Heart failure examination and treatment of systolic heart failure require strict adherence to the doctor's instructions to limit dangerous complications.
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Using a ventricular assist device to treat stage 3 heart failure: What you need to know
In the treatment of stage 3 heart failure, in addition to medication and lifestyle adjustments, doctors also consider the direction of using a left ventricular assist device. One of them is a ventricular assist device, which is often indicated in patients with severe or end-stage heart failure.
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Causes of acute heart failure
Acute heart failure is the sudden onset of signs and symptoms of heart failure that requires urgent intervention. Besides the causes of acute heart failure, other predisposing factors may play a role in making the condition worse.
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Treatment of heart failure according to the stage of the disease
Treatment of heart failure is divided into 4 levels according to each stage A, B, C and D. There are 2 main treatment options: medication and non-drug treatment. The goals of heart failure treatment are to reduce symptoms, limit hospitalization, and prolong survival.
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Vanity: What you need to know
Tâm phế mạn là tình trạng các bệnh lý ở phổi dẫn tới suy tim phải thứ phát, tỷ lệ mắc bệnh tăng lên ở những nước có nhiều người hút thuốc lá, môi trường ô nhiễm vì đây là nguy cơ gây bệnh mạn tính ở phổi. Bệnh tâm phế mạn nếu được theo dõi và điều trị đúng cách thì tiên lượng tốt, bệnh tiến triển chậm hơn.
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Echocardiography to evaluate diastolic function
Ultrasound assessment of diastolic function is an integral part of the routine evaluation of patients with symptoms of heart failure or dyspnea. The Echocardiographic Society generally recommends a comprehensive evaluation of diastolic function, including multiple Doppler-based parameters and two-dimensional echocardiography to grade diastolic dysfunction.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics