Home Tag Stomach mucosa

Articles in Stomach mucosa

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How to treat ectopic gastric mucosa?
I have antral gastritis and have ectopic gastric mucosal plaque up the esophagus. I took a lot of antibiotics but it still didn't work. Please advise me on how to treat ectopic gastric mucosa. I sincerely thank.
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Stop Vomiting and Nausea: The Most Effective Remedies
Vomiting is not a rare condition, vomiting is sometimes caused by eating unsafe food, poor health or pregnancy, after a train.... However, if vomiting occurs continuously. This is a sign that can warn of other dangerous diseases. When the body is nauseous or vomiting, you need to think of the best remedies.
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The role of the hormone Gastrin in food digestion
Gastrin is an important hormone involved in the stimulation of secretion and regulation of gastric acid. This is an important mechanism to help break down protein in food. In addition, Gastrin is also involved in many other digestive hormone secretion processes.
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Consequences of erosive gastritis
When the mucosal barrier is weakened, the factors in the stomach attack will damage the mucosa. The extent of damage to the gastric mucosa is divided into many different degrees, from congestive inflammatory lesions to erosive gastritis.
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What is mucosa? The role of the mucosa
Niêm mạc là một lớp màng lót mỏng manh nhưng đóng vai trò khá quan trọng trong cơ thể chúng ta. Niêm mạc có mặt ở nhiều cơ quan, bộ phận trong cơ thể. Tại mỗi cơ quan, niêm mạc sẽ có những vai trò riêng biệt, mặc dù vậy chúng vẫn có những điểm chung nhất định.
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