Home Tag Stomach ache

Articles in Stomach ache

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14 reasons why you have a stomach ache
Everyone will experience occasional stomach upset that is transient and not cause for concern. But in some cases, depending on the severity and accompanying symptoms, you may need to see your doctor to find out what's causing your stomach pain.
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Is stomach flu contagious?
Is stomach pain contagious is a question that Vinmec receives a lot through inboxes, mainly from family members of stomach pain patients. This is the object of frequent contact with sick people, so they will have concerns about the problem of infection. Unfortunately, the answer is that stomach pain is completely contagious.
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Stomach pain: Location, signs and treatment
Stomach pain, also known as stomach pain, is a disease caused by damage to the stomach lining for a long time without being detected and treated, leading to ulcers. The typical manifestations of stomach pain such as bloating, indigestion, heartburn, loss of appetite, ... Stomach pain negatively affects the patient's daily life, if not treated promptly can cause lead to dangerous complications.
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Frequent, persistent stomach pain is a warning of what diseases?
Stomach pain often causes a lot of inconvenience in life for patients. Today, this disease is becoming more and more common. Although stomach pain is not life-threatening, it causes many symptoms such as nausea, acid reflux, heartburn, belching, etc., which seriously affects the quality of life. of the patient.
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How to get rid of bile?
Hi doctor! Doctor let me ask, how to get rid of bile? I have a stomach ache, I will vomit after eating for 2 days, vomiting yellowish green and bitter, very uncomfortable, I want to ask the doctor how to treat it? Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
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The definitive treatment for stomach pain?
I have a stomachache. The doctor told me how to cure stomach pain completely
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Stomach pain in the back is a symptom of what disease?
I cut my gallbladder in 2013. Currently, my stomach area is very painful, feeling swollen outside. I have taken stomach medicine, stomach milk pack, honey essence but still not reduced. Pain lasts 4-5 hours. Previously the pain was only once a few months, now the pain is frequent and sharp in the back. They go to the hospital when they feel pain, but they only inject pain relievers to relieve the pain. Doctor let me ask if the pain in the stomach throbbing in the back is a symptom of what disease? Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you doctor.
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Stomach pain, belching with swallowing is what disease?
My mother is currently showing signs of stomach disease such as stomach pain, belching, eating food has a feeling of being stuck in the throat, so she is very afraid of food. So the doctor asked me what is the disease with stomach pain, belching and choking?
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Is stomach pain a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease or colon disease?
Hi doctor! Currently, I have epigastric abdominal pain intermittently, each episode is less than 1 minute and lasts for nearly 2 days and has not stopped, but the time between each attack gradually fades away. I also have loose stools.
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Frequent belching, acid reflux with stomach pain are signs of what disease?
I had a stomach ache not long ago and it didn't take long to take medicine, but then it came back and went to the doctor so it's no longer painful. But now, my stomach is very uncomfortable, often belching, sometimes the food in the stomach wants to back out but can't. Eating and drinking makes my stomach very uncomfortable and my stomach is tight, sometimes in my mouth when I swallow saliva, I have a sour taste in my mouth. I have looked online and know that the current situation is like I am suffering from flatulence. So the doctor told me that often belching, acid reflux and stomach pain are signs of disease? Is it flatulence, doctor? Thank you.
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Treatment of stomach diseases in pregnant women
Đau dạ dày khi mang thai không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của mẹ mà nhiều khả năng sẽ ảnh hưởng tới thai nhi. Đặc biệt khi cơn đau xuất hiện khi mang thai 3 tháng đầu hoặc 3 tháng cuối.
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