Is stomach flu contagious?

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The article is expertly consulted by Gastroenterologist, Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital and MSc Vu Tan Phuc - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, National General Hospital Vinmec Phu Quoc.
Is stomach pain contagious is a question that Vinmec receives a lot through inboxes, mainly from family members of stomach pain patients. This is the object of frequent contact with sick people, so they will have concerns about the problem of infection.

1. What is stomach pain?

Stomach pain is a common disease in Vietnam today, caused by damage to the stomach lining for a long time. People with stomach pain will appear to have a dull, long-lasting pain that is very uncomfortable. The common symptoms of the disease are: epigastric pain, flatulence, indigestion, heartburn, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, nervous tension...
Today the incidence of stomach pain in Vietnam Increasingly, the subjects with the disease have no gender or age restrictions. If not detected early and treated promptly, it will cause serious complications such as: stomach cancer, stomach bleeding, gastric perforation, ...

2. Is stomach ache contagious?

There are many causes of stomach pain such as unscientific lifestyle and eating habits, the use of stimulants such as alcohol, etc. However, the main cause causes stomach pain and accounts for more than 80% of those cases are Helicobacter pylori (Hp). This is a type of bacteria that lives in the acidic environment of the human stomach.

Vi khuẩn Hp gây ra bệnh đau dạ dày
Vi khuẩn Hp gây ra bệnh đau dạ dày
Helicobacter pylori infection is the most common form in the world, infected people do not have any abnormal symptoms. In the long-term process, it will cause many dangerous stomach diseases such as: stomach ulcers, chronic stomach diseases, stomach cancer, ...
Of all the causes of stomach pain, Only HP infection is contagious.

3. Stomach pain is transmitted through which way?

According to research, there are 3 ways of infection with Helicobacter Pylori as follows:
3.1 Stomach pain is transmitted by mouth - mouth Oral - mouth is the most common way of infection because Hp can also be found in water. foam of patients with stomach pain. Therefore, direct or indirect contact with saliva or digestive juices of an infected person is the cause of stomach pain infection. Therefore, eating and drinking together with patients without using separate bowls and chopsticks, dipping in the same bowl of fish sauce, drinking from the same cup, etc. is the highest cause of Hp infection. In addition, kissing with an infected person also facilitates the spread of disease.

Đau dạ dày do vi khuẩn Hp lây truyền qua đường miệng - miệng
Đau dạ dày do vi khuẩn Hp lây truyền qua đường miệng - miệng
3.2 Infection through the stomach - mouth or stomach - stomach This is a rare form of infection but not non-existent, mainly caused by medical facilities that do not guarantee sterile conditions. .
Many cases of patients with gastroesophageal reflux cause an uncomfortable burning sensation, this is also a favorable condition for Helicobacter pylori from the stomach to return to the mouth.
When performing a gastroscopy, the end of the endoscope will be passed through the patient's mouth to the stomach, if not sufficiently disinfected, it will cause H pylori to stick, thereby creating conditions to spread to those who treat later. . Therefore, choosing a reputable medical facility is a must to limit the risk of unnecessary disease transmission.
3.3 Fecal-oral transmission HP bacteria in the intestinal tract will be eliminated directly with feces, this is a dangerous source of spread and very difficult to control. After going to the toilet, if not clean or indirect contact with the feces of an infected person, the risk of infection with hpv is very high. The use of manure to water vegetables is also a cause of infection with HP bacteria that you need to pay attention to.

Đau dạ dày do vi khuẩn Hp có thể lây truyền gián tiếp thông qua động vật trung gian
Đau dạ dày do vi khuẩn Hp có thể lây truyền gián tiếp thông qua động vật trung gian

4. Measures to prevent the spread of stomach pain

Eating together in the family is hard to avoid, but this is the main reason for Helicobacter Pylori infection. Therefore, proactive measures should be taken to prevent the risk of infection. Specifically as follows:
When you see signs of stomach pain, you should immediately go to a reputable medical facility for definitive treatment as soon as possible, this is the most effective measure to stop source of infection. Separate use of personal items, bowls, chopsticks, spoons, cups, cups, etc. with the patient until they are completely treated. It is best to have a separate diet for people with stomach pain to minimize exposure. Do not chew rice for children if you are suffering from stomach pain to avoid infection. Wash your hands after eating and using the toilet. Store food carefully to avoid the risk of infection from intermediate sources. Stomach pain can be transmitted from person to person, but not all cases are contagious. Of all the causes of stomach pain, only Helicobacter pylori infection is contagious. The remaining reasons such as lifestyle, eating, drinking, smoking, drugs... are not contagious. Therefore, patients need to identify the exact cause of the disease in order to take timely preventive and treatment measures.

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