Home Tag Stage 3 breast cancer

Articles in Stage 3 breast cancer

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Treatment options for stage III breast cancer
Ung thư vú giai đoạn 3 có nghĩa là ung thư đã lan trong 4 đến 9 hạch bạch huyết ở nách. Các khối u này sẽ có kích thước bất kỳ. Ở giai đoạn này, cần có những phương pháp điều trị phù hợp để hạn chế tối đa tình trạng di căn sang các bộ phận xa của cơ thể.
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Early breast cancer can be cured if detected in time
Breast cancer is one of the 10 most common cancers in Vietnamese women. The age of breast cancer is tending to be younger, with some breast cancer patients in their teens, with the average age being around 30 years old.
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Treatment of stage 3 vú breast cancer
Stage 3 breast cancer means the cancer has spread outside the main breast tumor. It may have invaded the lymph nodes but has not spread to nearby organs.
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Early breast cancer: Stages 1 and 2
Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women. Early detection of breast cancer in its early stages, such as stages 1 and 2, contributes to a good prognosis for treatment and long-term survival.
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How advanced is stage 3 breast cancer?
Stage 3 breast cancer is called advanced breast cancer, although it has not spread far, but treatment will be more difficult than early breast cancer. However, with advances in medicine, patients with stage 3 breast cancer can still be treated effectively and have a relatively high survival prognosis.
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